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[西洋] Oceans Of Fantasy - Boney M. [複製連結]

Rank: 4

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Oceans Of Fantasy - Boney M.

My world is filled with oceans
Oceans of fantasy
The never never land of emotions
Come down and follow me
You'll see the secret places
Where all the rivers end
And pirate ships of old
Filled with diamonds and with gold
Just waiting for a friend

All you can hear is the music of stillness
And pure harmony
Magical mirrors reflecting the light
That colors the sea
You'll be surrounded by angel like creatures
Who tend to your dreams
Deeper and deeper you fall in a trance
Much more real
Much more real than it seems

Come share with me the oceans
Oceans of fantasy
Where you can lose your soul forever
Like in a melody

Oceans of fantasy, oceans of fantasy
Oceans of fantasy, oceans of fantasy

My world is filled with oceans
Oceans of fantasy
The never never land of emotions
Come down and follow me

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