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自己學英文經驗談(Talk about their own experiences to learn English)

熱度 6已有 1637 次閱讀2014-5-4 15:43 |個人分類:重要事件| difficult, beginning, learning, everyone, English

Hello everyone ! I am Aaliyah,

Today, to share with everyone the best way to learn English, most people probably like me, are beginning to learn English memorization , no inflection ,

At first State high school are used to meet the test, no one thought after the society is so difficult, so I do Aaliyah 's share of these learning methods,

To help some learn English faster way ! ! ! ! !

So to speak with you to talk about : The best way to learn English is not " science " in English

Back to Taiwan after Taiwan found myself quite the importance of English education , from elementary school to university each stage must be English class , more and more domestic enterprises have begun to English proficiency requirements , so began to appear in English certification exams , and some specially designed for the purpose of the test is , if not the certificate is difficult to find a job , so young people have to language school or tutoring , exam preparation test, teach them how to pass the exam to get a high score in Taiwan is already an industry , the students into the so-called English-speaking student think their main job is to teach English , the English department is also in accordance with the curriculum taught in English this road design , they still cram school to compete with , and sometimes even with the academic level of high school, cram almost.

But the emphasis on English proficiency in Taiwan society can not truly reflect the situation in comparison with other countries , when studies show that high school degree in English in Taiwan is far behind other countries in Asia , the easiest way is to prove the road to catch a high school student asked him in English anything.

So: What went wrong in the end so that we rarely speak English to learn English in school but learned a long time ? Is there evil viruses Taiwanese brain ( kidding .... ) , responsible for the attack area you speak English ? Should not it . We can rule out genetic defects may lead to a similar situation , if the natural factors are not the cause of impaired speech , then the culprit should be the culture , or, more precisely, the people of Taiwan to learn English as well as ways to teach English , but in fact is that true .

Learning a second language study distinguished scholar Stephen Krashen wrote a letter for the above findings to the Taipei Times, he believes if you want progress in English , the most important thing in Taiwan, teachers lead students to self- reading , to choose their own topics of interest , reading books , this way than sitting in a classroom effectiveness textbook to read something big to explain to a wider point is : if you want to progress to the English themselves , but the role of the teacher 's helper .

This should be the best advice on this matter , especially for those learning the language has been for some time , you want a more sophisticated person. Take myself as an example of good, I am not a language expert , but I'm learning two foreign languages ​​( including English ) are used to read the way to sophisticated , of course, I also have the teacher for advice. The fastest progress when using this method should be in high school, I listen to some English songs. , Or some English novels . Article , and then read the lyrics and try to translate , because I want to get to know what they are singing .

At that time I will discuss the topic with some English friends in English, I admit that it is really just a simple Sahara :) ) , but it helped me to rapid progress in English , I had totally not expected to . My mind just want to express what they are interested in , no matter what language , in order to achieve this objective , I have to read and write in English , read English newspapers began to write in English instead of homework .

Why do I need a teacher but also set up a disciplinary experts to learn the " expertise " of it ? Obviously a very general way of life can be achieved .

Language learning is the same to practice , practice, practice skills , not just knowledge related it needs. Grammar knowledge language learning content with a relationship , to some extent its importance , it is a fact . But if you want to learn all the important grammar rules or concepts from meaningful dialogue in just a few months , the purpose of learning a language is to use that language to communicate , rather than to know how it works.

Exercise is more effective to use the language you want to learn to write , read or talk about the subject or topic of interest , if you want to use the language to communicate with others , or would like to receive some of the only information written in that language , the two ways will let you use the language ability progress quickly , conversely , if only focus on enhancing language " skills" , the study results have not , it sounds contradictory , but for non- beginners is to understand the facts : The best way to learn English is not " science " in English.

Teach a new language must put emphasis on communication : Once you start a conversation with other people , you will begin to understand the way language really works , fully operational procedures, if the conversation with the person you know what you want to express , then the dialogue successful, their reactions can help you understand your right or wrong way to use language from their own answers to learn what areas need to be strengthened , which usage is wrong, what needs to be noted that this is the way to learn a language . We really want in life, it may take time , and only they can do . This is every person has to learn a foreign language knowledge.

English tradition is to teach English considered a discipline of knowledge , or specific content , rather than communication skills , memorization of grammar , vocabulary will become the only way to learn the language . The main method of teaching English in Taiwan is still called the students to recite the memory , this method is only useful for certification exams, the degree is not so good teacher can simply measure the extent of the students , but speaking English is not helpful to see the results on the know. Teaching students how to pass the exam the teacher standing on the podium with their teaching , might as well go clean the classroom environment.

I've always wondered how the so-called Normal operation , which has professors teach future teachers how to teach English , but these professors also teach students to use the above recited, approach to learning and memory , what can be explained since Taiwanese students in English the reason behind the degree ? Those "Professor " ( I believe it should be just a few ) should also help them clean the classroom before students are also similar.

I also wonder the government of their country , funds invested in research in the end how long these studies will be applied as a language learning skills, only measure of success is based on data as well as digital . Students are encouraged to learn English themselves refreshing ideas , independent study , or as defined by the Henri Holect decades ago , " the ability to manage self-directed learning " is really the best way to learn a language . I have always felt very strange effectiveness of this method obviously everyone can see why education circles have no real conclusions to support it ? If everyone as it does not exist , to make the English to a higher level is impossible.

Real classroom situation reflects both the lack of modern education : first , to teach English with learning English are also influenced by traditional thinking , to teach a lot of words but no real communication, the English conversation class is like listening to a John Cage concert , only one voice ( teacher ) there is a group of silent choir ( students ) , the sound does not change monotonically . < ------ Have to learn English must know what I am talking about :) )

The second problem is that most students find their own topics of interest may encounter difficulties when they can not find an English drives them to learn something , the ensuing test also let them no time to do it thing , so there will be interest in knowledge curious converted into motivation and attitudes impossible.

Two issues in the traditional culture of thinking is the main learning attitude, it 's a serious work of teachers should be thinking against traditional learning , the self- learning, thinking into the curriculum.

Every time when I discuss these things with friends , everyone patted me on the shoulder Wish me luck , I would like to know why.

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回覆 biboyoyo 2014-6-17 21:11
看不懂....    我是英文白癡..... 英翻中啦~~ 求.......
回覆 cat^^ 2015-7-26 17:18


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