一種最新式非可調傘罩(Non-Maneuverable Canopy)T-11個人降落傘系統被美國軍方所採用,T-11降落傘將取代1955年沿用至今的T-10降落傘。T-11降落傘的重新設計包括,主傘與副傘部份及整合操縱組件。比起舊型降落傘系統,T-11降落傘更適合於較多士兵的重量需求。
The Non-Maneuverable Canopy (T-11) Personnel Parachute System is the newest personnel parachute system to be adopted by the United States armed forces. The T-11 replaces the T-10, introduced in 1955. The T-11 includes a completely redesigned main and reserve parachute and an integrated harness assembly that is suitable for a wider range of soldier weights than the previous system
主傘罩(main canopy)是十字平台的修正版本。比起舊型T-10D降落傘,T-11的主傘罩增加14%充氣直徑與增加28%傘罩表面積。T-11主傘罩利用一種獨特的安排能夠減少落地衝擊及減少降落傘的擺動。
The main canopy is a modified version of a cross/cruciform platform. The canopy has an increased inflated diameter of 14 percent and a 28 percent increase in surface area, when compared with the T-10D assembly. The T-11 main canopy utilizes a unique deployment sequence to reduce the opening shock and canopy oscillation.
比較T-10C降落平均速率為24英呎/每秒(7.3 m/s),T-11降落傘的降落速率為19英呎/每秒(5.8 m/s),這個數字的減少,意味著能夠大幅減少跳傘者的受傷機率。
The T-11 is designed to have an average rate of descent of 19 feet per second (5.8 m/s) for the 95th percentile service member, compared with 24 feet per second (7.3 m/s) with the T-10C. This reduction is intended to result in significantly lower landing injury rates for jumpers.
副傘是源自於英國低空傘(Low Level Parachute)圓錐形的設計,包括:副傘頂部的罩頂,及在低速失常時,副傘系統的罩裙摺線改良成快速開口。
The reserve canopy is a derivative of the British Low Level Parachute (LLP) aero-conical design that includes apex scoop pockets at the top of the reserve canopy and skirt assist lines at the system’s hem to promote fast opening of the reserve system during low-speed malfunctions.
Unlike the current reserve parachute system, the T-11R reserve uses an omni-directional, center-pull deployment system. The T-11 harness is designed to displace opening shock forces of the reserve parachute equally along the long axis of the jumper’s body.
主傘與傘帶重量38 磅 (17 kg),副傘組件重量15磅(6.8 kg),總重53磅(24 kg)。主傘膨脹直徑30.6 英呎 (9.3 m),副傘公稱直徑24英呎(7.3 m)。
The main chute and harness weighs 38 pounds (17 kg), and the reserve assembly 15 pounds (6.8 kg), for a total of 53 pounds (24 kg). The main canopy is 30.6 feet (9.3 m) inflated diameters at the hem. The reserve canopy has a 24 feet (7.3 m) nominal diameter. [1]
T-11的使用試驗在空降特種作戰試驗董事會(Airborne and Special Operations Test Directorate)和PEO Soldier的管理下於一月開始, XVIII空降軍團的傘兵、包傘員和跳傘指揮員正在進行試驗,在延續到十月份的時間裏將完成3200多次跳傘試驗,確保該降落傘與密集戰術固定繩的使用相匹配。