9A33BM3發射車與Osa-AKM飛彈系統的雷達,9A331MK發射車與Tor-M2E飛彈系統的雷達(9A33BM3 transporter erector launcher and radar from Osa-AKM missile system and 9A331MK transporter erector launcher and radar from Tor-M2E missile system)
9A33BM3發射車與Osa-AKM飛彈系統的雷達(9A33BM3 transporter erector launcher and radar from Osa-AKM missile system)
9A331MK發射車與Tor-M2E飛彈系統的雷達(9A331MK transporter erector launcher and radar from Tor-M2E missile system)
5P85TE2發射車與S-400 和S-300飛彈系統(5P85TE2 transporter erector launcher from S-400 and S-300 missile systems)
TEL 5P85TE2 與 96L6E雷達(TEL 5P85TE2 and 96L6E rada)
9A84ME裝載型發射車,9A83ME發射車S-300VM Antey-2500飛彈系統(9A84ME loader-launcher and 9A83ME launcher from S-300VM Antey-2500 missile system)
9A317E發射車與Buk-M2E飛彈系統的雷達(9A317E transporter erector launcher and radar from Buk-M2E missile system)
2S6M1自走式防空車,搭載Tunguska-M1彈砲系統(Self-propelled air defense vehicle 2S6M1 from Tunguska-M1 gun-missile system)
5P73-2M發射車採用MZKT-8021車體,搭載Pechora-2M飛彈系統(5P73-2M transporter erector launcher on MZKT-8021 chassis from Pechora-2M missile system)
UNV-2M雷達與UNK-2M指揮車,搭配Pechora-2M飛彈系統(UNV-2M radar and command post UNK-2M from Pechora-2M missile system)
修護模組,搭配Pechora-2M飛彈系統(Repair module from Pechora-2M missile system)
1L121E機動雷達(Mobile radar 1L121E)
1L122-1E可攜帶式機動雷達(Mobile portable radar 1L122-1E)
1L121E 雷達與1L122-2E雷達(Radars 1L121E and 1L122-2E)
Protivnik-GE雷達(Protivnik-GE radar)
9S932-1智慧控制模組與1L122-1E雷達,搭配Barnaul-T指揮系統(9S932-1 intelligence and control module with 1L122-1E radar from Barnaul-T command system)
Club-K貨櫃飛彈系統(Container missile system Club-K),又再次看到…
MT-LBu-GPM-10履帶消防車(MT-LBu-GPM-10 fire fighting vehicle)