i living in Palo Alto,California,United States.
2、離您住家附近的信仰殿堂是哪裡?供奉的是? 1%~10%
3、願意提供信仰教堂的故事嗎?(20字以上才有加分) 1%~20%
What is Christianity?
One of the world's great religions, Christianity,
split into Catholic and Protestant in the 16th century.
The moral formation offered by catechesis and Christian teaching is a valuable resource 4 a new generation of youth without a moral compass
4、您所信仰的神明是哪位尊神?為何會讓您如此崇信呢?(20字以上才有加分) 1%~30%
Jesus. us there is but one God, the Father,
of whom are all things, and we in him;
and one Lord Jesus Christ,
by whom are all things, and we by him.
5、家中是否有供俸尊神呢?是哪位尊神?尊神的由來為何?(20字以上才有加分) 1%~30%
yes,Jesus. and with the birth of Jesus, God shows he is with us.
us there is but one God, the Father,
of whom are all things, and we in him.
and one Lord Jesus Christ,
by whom are all things, and we by him.
6、是否有追隨師傅在修行?可否簡介一下師傅來歷?或是自己只有在讀經典修行而已? 1%~5%
no~作者: andyyayaya 時間: 2012-12-23 14:12:17