6 By universal law all things tend upward to a state of perfectness. The protoplast evolved, becoming worm, then reptile, bird and beast, and then at last it reached the form of man.
7 Now, man himself is mind, and mind is here to gain perfection by experience; and mind is often manifest in fleshy form, and in the form best suited to its growth. So mind may manifest as worm, or bird, or beast, or man.
41 Now, Vidyapati, wisest of the Indian sages, chief of temple Kapavistu, heard Barata speak to Jesus of the origin of man, and heard the answer of the Hebrew prophet, and he said,
42 You priests of Kapavistu, hear me speak: We stand to-day upon a crest of time. Six times ago a master soul was born who gave a glory light to man, and now a master sage stands here in temple Kapavistu.
43 This Hebrew prophet is the rising star of wisdom, diefied. He brings to us a knowledge of the secrets things of God; and all the world will hear his words, will heed his words, and glorify his name.
44 You priests of temple Kapavistu, stay! be still and listen when he speaks; he is the Living Oracle of God.
第四十四節:‘你們全寺的高僧啊 !應該人人靜聽他的講話。他真是上帝的活見證聖人啊 !’
45 And all the priests gave thanks, and praised the Buddha of enlightenment.
第八部:‘禅修’(講耶稣在西藏學禅) (注一)
CHAPTER 36 第三十六章
IN Lassa of Tibet there was a master's temple, rich in manuscripts of ancient lore.
2 The Indian sage had read these manuscripts, and he revealed to Jesus many of the secret lessons they contained; but Jesus wished to read them for himself.
9 And Meng-ste often talked with Jesus of the coming age, and of the sacred service best adapted to the people of the age.
10 In Lassa Jesus did not teach. When he finished all his studies in the temple schools he journeyed toward the West. In many villages he tarried for a time and taught.