標題: 期待已久的影片 [列印本頁]

作者: 楊心蕊    時間: 2015-6-8 22:34:37     標題: 期待已久的影片

本帖最後由 楊心蕊 於 2016-5-17 18:09 編輯




作者: waee    時間: 2015-6-9 00:05:28

     末世神以全能神的名來在中國作工,將神名的奧秘給我們打開了,使我們明白了神名的意義······神不衕的作工方式、不衕的時代、發表的不衕的性情、在不衕時代的人身上作工所取的不衕的名,從中認識到神的智慧與全能,認識到神是常新不舊的神,認識到不論神的作工怎么變,神的名怎么變,都是一位獨一無二的真神一一造物主做的工作,神拯救人類的心意永遠不變······全能神說:“在地之人所稱呼的我的名,并不能把我的所有性情與所是盡都說透,只是在不衕的時代對我有不衕的稱呼。因此在末了的時代,就是最后的一個時代來到之時,我的名仍然要改變,不叫耶和華,也不叫耶穌,更不叫彌賽亞,而是稱大有能力的全能的神自己,以這個名來結束整個時代。我曾經叫過耶和華,也曾經被人稱為彌賽亞,人也曾經愛戴我叫我救主耶穌,今天我已不再是人以往所認識的耶和華和耶穌,而是在末世重歸的、結束時代的神,滿載著我的所有性情,而且滿有權柄、尊貴、榮耀地興起在地極的神自己。”摘自《話在肉身顯現   “救主”早已駕著“白云”重歸》
作者: Weuiol    時間: 2015-6-9 03:42:42

作者: 东方之光    時間: 2015-6-9 04:45:26

本帖最後由 东方之光 於 2016-5-6 02:53 編輯

作者: LindaKeyes    時間: 2015-6-9 07:41:15     標題: God's Loving Hand Led Me Through the Tribulations

本帖最後由 LindaKeyes 於 2016-4-23 02:48 編輯

Her name is Ya Yun. She is a Christian of the Church of Almighty God. Because of believing in God, she became a “wanted criminal” at 20 whom the CCP police put a price on. At the age of 21, she was arrested by the CCP police and sentenced to three and a half years of hard labor without reasonable reasons. To impel her to sell out the church and betray God, the evil policemen tied her to a torture-rack, put a 20-kilo iron chain around her ankles, and kept her awake for six days and nights. They even stripped her naked to humiliate her…. Facing these, she saw clearly that the people’s police she ever admired were out-and-out devils. In those long and miserable days, God had been accompanying her by her side. He instantly inspired and guided her and gave her faith and strength, and kept her so that she passed through all the difficulties. From these she saw God’s wisdom and wonderful deeds and deeply tasted God’s motherly love…. [youtube]g10EDtYKalM[/youtube]
作者: 寻寻觅觅    時間: 2015-6-9 22:33:48


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