1.KB 303013
The registry value EnableBigLba is disabled. If you have a 48-bit compatible BIOS that can support a hard disk that has a capacity that is greater than 137 GB, only the first 137 GB of the hard disk are addressable. The rest of the hard disk is not used.
The registry value EnableBigLba is enabled, but you do not have a 48-bit LBA compatible BIOS and the capacity of the hard disk does not exceed 137 GB:
If you enable the 48-bit LBA ATAPI support by editing the registry setting, but you lack both a 48-bit LBA compatible BIOS and a hard disk that has a capacity that is greater than 137 GB, you have not changed the system. The hard disk continues to function as a standard hard disk.
The registry value EnableBigLba is enabled without a 48-bit LBA compatible BIOS, but you have a hard disk with a capacity that is larger than 137 GB.
If you enable 48-bit ATAPI support in the registry and you have a hard disk that has a capacity that is greater than 137 GB, but you do not have a 48-bit LBA compatible BIOS, only the first 137 GB of the hard disk are addressable. The remainder of the hard disk is not used.
備註:只有在正式發佈和安裝了 Windows XP Home Edition 或 Windows XP Professional 的 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 之後才會啟用 48 位 LBA 支持,因此才會支持 48 位 LBA。在沒有安裝 SP1 的 Windows XP 中手動啟用 48 位 LBA 支持可能會導致資料遺失。
48-Bit LBA Support for ATAPI Disk Drives in Windows 2000
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This article was previously published under Q305098
Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2) and earlier versions of Windows 2000 do not support 48-bit Logical Block Addressing (LBA) as defined in the ATA/ATAPI 6.0 specification.
To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Windows 2000. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
260910 How to Obtain the Latest Windows 2000 Service Pack
The English-language version of this fix should have the following file attributes or later:
如果你不需要共享文件,可以這樣移除它:進入HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer My computer Namespace DelegateFolders,刪除鍵值「」。
想要鎖定桌面不被別人肆意修改,可以使用很多工具例如TweakUI,不過其實在註冊表裡進行小小的改動即可實現:進入HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies Explorer,建立DWORD值「NoDesktop」,將其值修改為「1」即可。
4。停用「上次訪問時間標記(Last Access Time Stamp)」
不想要這項功能,可以這樣修改:進入HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control File system,新增DWORD值「NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate」,將其值修改為「1」即可。
需要的話可以這樣修改:進入HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Winlogon,新增字串串值「KeepRasConnections」,將其值修改為「1」即可。
6。使用明文密碼(Lain Text Password)
訪問UNIX或者LINUX伺服器的時候,有時需要明文密碼這在XP下很容易實現:找到「HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services lanmanworkstation parameter enableplaintextpassword」並將其值設定為「1」即可
第一條對 Windows 2000 也同樣適用!
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