* Modeling Tool Subset in Layout
* Faster OpenGL Performance
* Enhanced OpenGL Hardware Shader Support for accurate preview in real time for textures and lighting
* Faster Raytrace Rendering – up to 2.5X or better
* Adaptive Mesh subdivision based on visibility and distance to camera
* Faster Subdivision Surfaces
* Subdivision Surface modeling with n-gons
* True edge support in modeling, including edge weighting
* Enhanced MultiShift Modeling tool with reusable histories
* More flexibility and more user controls for the GUI
* Dynamics rewritten for improved precision, performance and capabilities
* Dynamics UI redesigned for easy and intuitive workflow
* Consolidation of tools for a streamlined workflow in Modeler
* Node-based procedural shading system
* Relativity 2 Expressions System
* Particle surface shading system
* Environment instancing on surfaces
* Camera time warper for effects such as bullet time, etc.
* Hypervoxel particle surface deformer
* Surface deformation-based texture map and color controller
* Camera lens shader system
* Much, much more
美國NewTek公司開發的LightWave 3D是一款高性價比的三維動畫制作軟體,它的功能非常強大,是業界為數不多的幾款重量級三維動畫軟體之一。LightWave 3D從有趣的AMIGA開始,發展到今天的9.0版本,已經成為一款功能非常強大的三維動畫軟體,支持WINDOWS,MAC OS 32位,64位。被廣泛應用在電影、電視、游戲、網頁、廣告、印刷、動畫等各領域。它的操作簡便,易學易用,在生物建模和角色動畫方面功能異常強大;基於光線跟蹤、光能傳遞等技術的渲染模塊,令它的渲染品質幾盡完美。它以其優異性能倍受影視特效制作公司和游戲開發商的青睞。當年火爆一時的好萊塢大片《TITANIC》中細致逼真的船體模型、《RED PLANET》中的電影特效以及《恐龍危機2》、《生化危機-代號維洛尼卡》等許多經典游戲均由LightWave 3D開發制作完成。
它是一款很受歡迎的玲慧、成熟的3D 模型構圖、動畫與算圖等的3D圖像軟體,專為在網頁創作、印刷和視訊制作領域工作的創意設計者提供一個完全、易於處理和高生產力的3D解決方案。這套高級 3D 軟體的最新版本主要使用了革命性的擬真算圖技術Eovia ImpressionT,且在制作能力、使用界面有所改善,並提供了如Dynamic Extrusion、Eovia Tree Maker等若干新的模型構圖工具。
Terragen 2新功能:
Cutting-edge adaptive subdivision renderer.
Modular, plugin-based architecture.
Render entire planets, sweeping vistas, tiny rock gardens, or anything in between.
Import 3D objects for rendering. Export high resolution objects.
Render millions of boulders or trees using "instancing"; even billions of virtual objects (in development)
Add multiple heightfields to your scene. Use procedural terrains that can span an entire planet.
Apply almost "infinite" fractal detail to terrain and other objects.
Overhanging terrain using procedural displacements, image-based displacements, or imported geometry.
Volumetric clouds or fast "2.5D" clouds.
Production quality anti-aliasing and motion blur."
In the two years since Silo 1.0 was first released it has evolved dramatically, with many free intermediate updates consisting of huge workflow leaps that many would consider worthy of a full version upgrade (and charge extra for). Some of the free additions since version 1.0 have included direct iso surface editing, advanced selection highlighting, the revolutionary topology brush, 100% mouse customization, and much more.
Thousands of users, including many in the most respected and advanced graphics studios and video game development houses in the world, have decided to use Silo as their modeler of choice for its steady progression, its emphasis on workflow, its speed, its uncluttered interface, and its intuitive and powerful toolset.
It is with this history of innovation and progress that we are excited to announce the upcoming release of Silo 2.0. Silo 2.0 is scheduled for release later this year, and those who purchase version 1.4 now will receive a free upgrade to Silo 2.0 when it is released (as will anyone who purchased on or after July 1st, 2005). As we have done in the past, we'll be interacting with the users on our forums (www.silo3d.com/forum) while working to get Silo 2.0 out to make sure that we're steering Silo in the direction our users want. Below are some of the biggest features to look forward to in Silo 2.0 when it is released later this year, including a few videos: