“There is nothing remotely like this at the British Museum.This is pure invention and completely worthless.
Roderick Whitfielid”
(希熱多吉居士的文章提到:為了保險起見,他在英國相關的藝術網站上找到了羅德裏克·懷特費利德先生的簡介,如下:Dr. Roderick Whitfield was Assistant Keeper, Department of Oriental Antiquities at British Museum, London, England.1 He graduated with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).1 He graduated with the degree of Master of Arts (M.A.).資料顯示田青先生找的這個人確實是大英博物館東方古物部的專家。博主在此讚歎並隨喜田青先生所做的上述工作。)
他的研究方向是:Chinese art & archaeology; Buddhist art from Dunhuang; Chinese pictorial art and calligraphy and East Asian narrative painting; Chinese painting theory