3.孕婦、產婦忌喝茶。喝茶可能會導致妊娠中毒症,並且加重心、腎的負荷量,所以並不適宜喝茶。綠茶含有兒茶素、咖啡因等成份,可能會影響胎兒發育甚至增加流產的 危險,Neural Tube DefectsGreen tea contains catechins, caffeine and tannic acidsAll 3 substances have been linked to pregnancy risNevertheless, moderate consumption is considered safe.If you are pregnant, and especially in the first trimester, take a break特別是懷孕初期Beware of this serious side effects of green tea.,應Stop your tea intake completely.停止喝茶的習慣。另外茶有收斂作用,可能引起乳汁分泌減少,故產婦不宜飲太濃的茶。
5.患有心臟病,高血壓,糖尿病,心理障礙,甲狀腺功能亢進症和肝臟疾病、貧血等其他疾病:茶能使心跳加快,引起血壓升高,若是心臟、腎臟功能低下,或是高血壓患者,都不適合飲用濃茶。Caffeine may cause problems to those suffering from heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, psychological disorder, hyperthyroidism and liver disease.
Iron deficienThere are two kinds of dietary iron: heme and non-heme.有兩種膳食鐵:第一類: 血紅素鐵,存在於肉、魚和家禽,易於人體所吸收。第二類:Non-heme iron, found in flours, cereals, and fortified grain products, is more difficult to absorb.非血紅素鐵,發現在麵粉,穀物和加工糧食產品,難以吸收。 2001年3月版美國臨床營養學雜誌發表的一份研究報告,報導綠茶提取物將會減少吸收25 %A study published in the March 2001 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that green tea extract reduces absorption of non-heme iron by 25%.非血紅素的鐵。
茶葉中含有的咖啡因、茶鹼、可哥鹼等成分,具有強心、利尿、刺激胃酸分泌及興奮高級神經中樞等作用,所以吃鎮靜、催眠藥物的前後都不宜喝茶,更不能用茶葉茶水送服這些藥物。為避免茶與Medication Interaction藥物產生相互作用,Green tea, like any other beverage, can interfere and interact with certain medications.As a safety precaution, avoid drinking tea for at least 2 hours after taking medications服藥前後至少要間隔2個小時,再飲用茶品為當。
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3.張維慎,張銘洽,從古文獻看古人對茶的養生保健功能的認識,陝西師範大學繼續教育學報(西安) 2005 年3 月第22 卷第1 期(Journal of Further Education of Shaanxi Normal University Mar .2005 Vol.22No .1)
4.Dubey P, Sundram KR, Nundy S. Effect of tea on gastric acid secretion. Digestive diseases and sciences. 1984 Mar; 29(3):202-6.
5: Lorenz M, Jochmann N, von Krosigk A, Martus P, Baumann G, Stangl K, Stangl V. Addition of milk prevents vascular protective effects of tea. Eur Heart J. 2007 Jan;28(2):219-23. Epub 2007 Jan