標題: JJ Heller - Missing Peace [列印本頁]

作者: the1the2    時間: 2024-5-21 23:11:26     標題: JJ Heller - Missing Peace


我深知它就藏匿在這世間某處   I know it's here somewhere
那份我往日所懷抱的堅定信念   The faith I used to have
從未曾動搖直到天際灰暗降臨   Before the sky fell down on me
隱藏在幕後的陰影處   Behind the curtain
伏遊在醫院單薄病床底下    Beneath the hospital bed
躲藏在我所企及不了的角落    Hiding just beyond my reach
祈禱的話語彷彿     Feels like my prayers are
反覆撞擊在天花板磁磚上    Bouncing off the ceiling tiles
猶如一顆氦氣球飄蕩      Like a helium balloon
我無法拉近內心的距離    I can't close the distance
在所知與所感之間徘徊     Between the way I feel
And what I know is true
我陷入了一場無形戰鬥    I'm caught up in a battle
我原本並不尋求        I wasn't looking for
當我只求一絲寧靜慰藉    When I'm searching for solace
卻身陷戰火紛飛        In the middle of a war
你是,你是我所渴求的平靜    You are, you are my missing peace
你是,你是,你是我切望的安寧  You are, you are, you are my missing peace
我所缺失的心靈祥和       My missing peace
我已厭倦了這漫長等待     I'm tired of waiting
但我又深怕結局的來臨     But I'm afraid of how it's gonna end
所以我慣於困在兩難之間    So I'm stuck here in between
做好迎接壞消息的準備     Bracing for bad news
同時也期盼著奇蹟出現      And hoping for a miracle
當我努力讓自己去相信      While I'm fighting to believe
我陷入了一場無形戰鬥     I'm caught up in a battle
我原本並不尋求          I wasn't looking for
當我只求一絲寧靜慰藉     When I'm searching for solace
卻身陷戰火紛飛          In the middle of a war
你是,你是我所渴求的平靜   You are, you are my missing peace (你是,你是)
你是,你是,你是我切望的安寧 You are, you are, you are my missing peace (你是,你是)
你遮蔽了我的焦慮不安     You silence my worry
當恐懼聲浪響徹雲霄       When fear is deafening
我本以為我需要的是答案    I think I want answers
殊不知我真正需要的是平靜   But what I really need is peace
我所缺失的心靈祥和       My missing peace
我所渴求的平靜          My missing peace
你是,你是,你是我切望的安寧 You are, you are, you are my missing peace
你是,你是,你是我所渴求的平靜 You are, you are, you are my missing peace
(你是)我缺失的心靈祥和     (You are) My missing peace

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