原帖由 hunter825 於 2008-10-23 16:45 發表
Look like everybody agree on one thing that parent are too protective this loser.
This is what happened in most families in mainland China now (My wife are from China).
they call it "eat older group".
They don't work and just stay home let parent support all their expenses
(they like all expensive items).
China has full of this kind of loser as their younger generation.
原帖由 Plus1 於 2008-10-25 00:36 發表
呵呵~ 我開的帖子
這種現象如今在中國大陸很多家庭都存在 ...
原帖由 hunter825 於 2008-10-23 16:45 發表
Look like everybody agrees on one thing that parents are too protective to this looser. This is what happened in most families in mainland China now (My wife are from China). they call it "eat older ...
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