標題: 戒指[40p] [列印本頁]

作者: 草薰風    時間: 2010-5-8 10:14:43     標題: 戒指[40p]


Ring is one of the most ancient jewelry and one of the way to express yourself. This collection consists of 30+ unusual and stylish rings. You’ll be suprised by imagination of theirs creators.





This golden ring has a diamond. But only the owner would know about it.


This ring can be used like small glass.

This one will be usefull for those who have a bad memory. It fixates the date you need to remember.

Danish artist Alidra Alic represents you unusual flower rings. The tulip ring is made out of silver and plastic.

The hyacinth ring is made out of silver, plastic and strawberry quartz.

French design extraordinaire Philippe Tournaire’s stunning new Dream House collection features a series of miniature buildings, including famous sights like the Vizcaya Hotel in Florida and the New York skyline.







Rings look like car wheels.

Ring with a concrete inside.










These rings could be used like wedding rings for the couple of musicians.

This one was created specifically for programmers


The strange and unusual world of steam punk. These London Particulars vintage rings are from the private collection of Professor Aubrey Thistlequick…








作者: TOYOTM    時間: 2010-5-8 13:34:04

真是好笑又會傷腦筋 滴 佳作分享

看得到主題"戒指"讓人自然而然連想到浪漫派 滴 種種

結果欣賞了創意感十足的  工業 零件 建築物 汽車輪軩‧‧‧

特殊性的造型戒指  太藝高膽大匠心獨具了 令人驚駭 太酷 太美不勝收了

  我甲意有形 謝謝你 獨樹一幟的好帖 分享 致上 感謝 之意

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