簡述 橙腹樹蛙 Rhacophorus aurantiventris Lue, Lai, and Chen, 1994Orange-Belly Green Tree Frog特有種成體特徵:體型:中型,身體及四肢修長,♂5cm,♀6-8cm頭部:吻端尖,上唇白色,鼓膜及顳褶明顯。背部:光滑,墨綠色,散佈一些白色或黃色的斑點。體側:從吻端到股部有一條白線,白線下方鑲有細黑邊,腹側橙紅色。腹部:...
Natural History:
Rhacophorus aurantiventris is an endemic and endangered species with a patchy distribution in Taiwan. Sparse populations are found in undisturbed forests about 500-1000 m high mountains. They inhabit on treetop up to 3m above ground. It is difficult to observe them for their treetop habitat and green coloration. Furthermore, their voice is weak and discontinuous. They laid foamy egg masses. Tadpoles have been found in still water in forests