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[西洋] Christina Aguilera - I Turn to You [複製連結]


I'm a Surgeon.

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

原創及親傳圖影片高手勳章 熱心參予論壇活動及用心回覆主題勳章 醫療天使勳章 藝術之星 另類圖片區主題分享達人勳章

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2014-3-24 01:38:11 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

When I'm lost in the rain
In your eyes I know I'll find the light
To light my way
And when I'm scared
And losing ground
When my world is going crazy
You can turn it all around
And when I'm down you're there
Pushing me to the top
You're always there giving me all you've got
For a shield from the storm
For a friend, for a love
to keep me safe and warm
I turn to you
For the strength to be strong
For the will to carry on
For everything you do
For everything that's true
I turn to you
When I lose the will to win
I just reach for you
And I can reach the sky again
I can do anything
'Cause your love is so amazing
'Cause your love inspires me
And when I need a friend
You're always on my side
Giving me faith
That gets me through the night
For a shield from the storm
For a friend, for a love
To keep me safe and warm
I turn to you
For the strength to be strong
For the will to carry on
For everything you do
I turn to you
For the arms to be my shelter
Through all the rain
For truth that will never change
For someone to lean on
For a heart I can rely on through anything
For that one who I can run to...
For a shield from the storm
For a friend, for a love
To keep me safe and warm
I turn to you
For the strength to be strong
For the will to carry on
For everything you do
For everything that's true
For everything that's true
I turn to you


The glory of God.
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