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[國際] 耶倫指中國窒礙贊比亞解決債務問題 中方:美國無資格向他國施壓<<<美國撿到槍? [複製連結]

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耶倫指中國窒礙贊比亞解決債務問題 中方:美國無資格向他國施壓撰文:成依華出版:2023-01-26 00:01更新:2023-01-26 00:01
美國財長耶倫(Janet Yellen)1月23日訪問非洲贊比亞(Zambia),期間指中國一直是贊比亞債務問題解決方案的障礙。中國使館24日回應稱,美國沒有資格出於私利公開無端指責或向他國施壓。





國際即時國際耶倫稱推動中國與贊比亞進行債務重組談判撰文:許懿安出版:2023-01-24 00:54更新:2023-01-24 09:17

美國財長耶倫(Janet Yellen)1月23日來到其非洲之行第二站贊比亞(Zambia),與該國總統及財長會面。







IMF總幹事出訪贊比亞 指中國金融機構未就前期債務減免達成共識撰文:翟梓謙出版:2023-01-24 18:55更新:2023-01-24 18:55

國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)總幹事格奧爾基耶娃(Kristalina Georgieva)週二在訪問贊比亞期間表示,表示現在是南部非洲國家債權人重組其債務的時候,但指出中國的金融機構在與贊比亞的債務重組談判中,尚未就接受前期債務減免達成共識。



贊比亞在 2020 年拖欠其主權債務,成為第一個在 COVID-19 新冠疫情期間拖欠主權債務的非洲國家。 ... utm_medium=referral
Zambia edges towards debt default, but bondholders could make millions3 November 2020 by Tim Jones

Zambia will go into debt default on the 14th November if a resolution is not reached with their private creditors following a missed interest payment in October. The southern African country has requested a six-month extension on interest payments to help cope with the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, though in reality large scale debt cancellation is needed.

Zambia spends four times more on external debt payments than public healthcare

Real public spending per person has fallen by 18% in recent years, as the debt crisis has hit government finances

If paid in full some bondholders could make 250% profit

Jubilee Debt Campaign warned back in 2015 that Zambia was at risk of a government external debt crisis, with an increasing debt payment burden and overreliance on copper exports for income from the rest of the world. This crisis has arrived in recent years, with the Zambian government’s external debt payments increasing from 4% of government revenue in 2014 to a predicted 33% in 2020, even before the impact of the Covid crisis .

The consequence of this rising debt payment burden has been felt in government spending on other areas. Even before the Covid crisis, Zambia’s real public spending per person fell by 18% between 2015 and 2019. The $1.7 billion Zambia is due to spend on external debt payments in 2020 is four times more than the $400 million the government spends on public healthcare. Over 16 million Zambians – 88% of the population – live on less than £4.20 a day.

According to the World Bank, of Zambia’s government external debt, 49% is owed to private lenders, 27% to China, 10% to the World Bank, 9% to other multilateral institutions and 5% to other governments.

$2 billion was lent to Zambia through foreign currency bonds in 2012, 2014 and 2015, and a further $2.8 billion through other forms of private loans between 2012 and 2019. According to the World Bank, $3 billion was lent by China between 2012 and 2019. Of the $1.7 billion due to be spent on external debt payments in 2020, $1.1 billion – 65% – is to private lenders.

The World Bank also now reports data on the residency of private lenders (other than for bond-holders). According to this data, of the $2.4 billion Zambia owed at end-2019 in private (non-bond) debt, 56% is owed to UK banks, 20% to banks based in China or Hong Kong, 14% to banks based in Israel and the remainder to banks in Italy, the US, Denmark and South Africa.

Bonds are traded publicly, which means we can observe the price traders are paying for Zambian debt. Since 2013 Zambia’s bond that it is due to repay in 2022 has been bought and sold for less than its face value, because speculators have thought there is a chance Zambia might default. Since August 2018 traders have paid 70 cents on the dollar or less – with a low of 30 cents on the dollar reached in March 2020. It is currently trading at 45 cents on the dollar.

A trader who bought Zambia’s 2022 bonds in August 2018 will make around 75% profit if they receive all interest and principal payments in full. A trader who bought the same bond in March 2020 will make 200% profit. A trader buying Zambia’s 2027 bond now could make 250% profit if every interest and principal payment is made.

The original private lenders to Zambia lent at high interest rates of 5.375% to 8.97% because it was high risk lending. Many of the current owners of these debts bought them at low prices because it was expected that Zambia would not be able to repay the debts in full. The logic of private lenders behaviour is that significant amounts of the debt would need to be cancelled. That is exactly what should happen. ... could-make-millions

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