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[西洋] 《最愛情人節》Stewart Mac - I Love You & 陶喆 -愛,很簡單 [複製連結]

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發表於 2010-2-5 15:58:26 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
Stewart Mac - I Love You

There was once a broken man
Who walked a lonely road
And Gave up all his dreams
I was once this broken man
Stared into the sun
and Just refuse to see
I was lost amongst the clouds that would'nt fade
I was looking for an answer
I was searching but I didn’t take the time
I was down and out and feeling so afraid

I love you
the Way that you turn me round(?)
And chase away my blues
I love you
the way that you change my world
when I’m with you

Love may come and love may go

but now its here to stay
Forever and a day
And when I See you smile
I fall into your eyes
to Never fade way
I need you hear to make the dark clouds dift away
And to make the mornings bright again
I’m right here for you theres nothing more to say
I’m just happy that your mine and here to stay

I love you
the Way that you turn me round(?)
And chase away my blues
I love you
the way that ypu change my world
when I’m with you

It doesn’t matter where we're from and where we are going

as long as your with me all the way
And the nights are long and lonely and
I’m waking up
to find a brighter day

I love you
the Way that you turn me round(?)
And chase away my blues
I love you
the way that you change my world
when I’m with you


忘了是怎麼開始 也許就是對你一種感覺
忽然間發現自己 已深深愛上你 真的很簡單

愛的地暗天黑都已無所謂 是是非非無法決擇
沒有後悔 為愛日夜去跟隨 那個瘋狂的人是我 喔~

I LOVE YOU 無法不愛你 BABY 說你也愛我
I LOVE YOU 永遠不願意 BABY 失去你

不可能更快樂 只要能在一起 做什麼都可以
雖然世界變個不停 用最真誠的心 讓愛變得簡單 (讓愛變得簡單)

I LOVE YOU 我一直在這裡 BABY 一直在愛你

永遠都不放棄 這愛你的權利
如果你還有一些困惑 OH NO 請貼著我的心傾聽

聽我說著愛你 ( YES I DO) 我愛你
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