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[西洋] Chop Suey!-System of a Down(墮落體制)超high重金屬 [複製連結]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-9-2 14:22:49 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1
本帖最後由 imaging79 於 2012-9-2 14:30 編輯

Chop Suey!




Wake up!

Grab a brush and put a little (makeup)
Grab a brush and put a little

Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the

Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?

Here you go create another fable

You wanted to

Grab a brush and put a little makeup

You wanted to

Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup

You wanted to

Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?

You wanted to

I don't think you trust,In, my,  
(我不認為你 信賴 我)

self righteous suicide 

I, cry, when angels deserve to die, DIE!!!
(當天使活該領死時 我放聲大哭 )
Wake up!

Grab a brush and put a little (makeup)
Grab a brush and put a little

Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the 

Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?

Here you go create another fable

You wanted to

Grab a brush and put a little makeup

You wanted to

Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup

You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?

You wanted to

I don't think you trust,In, my,
(我可不認為你 信任 我)

self righteous suicide

I, cry, when angels deserve to die
(當天使活該領死時 我放聲大哭 )

In, my, self righteous suicide
(在我心裡 公平與正義自我毀滅)

I, cry, when angels deserve to die
(當天使活該領死時 我放聲大哭 )

Father, father, father, father 

Father into your hands, i commend my spirit 

Father into your hands
(天父 交付到你手中)

Why have you forsaken me
(但為什麼 你卻遺棄了我)

In your eyes forsaken me

In your thoughts forsaken me

In your heart forsaken, me oh

Trust in my, self righteous suicide
(你不信任我 我的公平與正義自我毀滅)

I, cry, when angels deserve to die
(當天使們該死時 我掉了淚)
In my self righteous suicide
(在我心裡 公平與正義自我毀滅)

I, cry, when angels deserve to die
(當天使們該死時 我掉了淚)


Rank: 8Rank: 8

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-10-14 04:17:31 |只看該作者
這首蠻經典的 我記得YOU ??上有搞笑影片 讓我記得這首歌

Rank: 2

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-12-6 00:08:47 |只看該作者
玩音樂的人 都是獨特的
只是有時候你不能接受 或是覺得好笑
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