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[西洋] ZOMBIE -- The Cranberries || 反戰歌曲 || 反對俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭 || 反對有無辜受害者 || [複製連結]

Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12

熱心參予論壇活動及用心回覆主題勳章 影音達人勳章

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發表於 2022-3-2 06:15:35 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

The Cranberries

Another head hangs lowly

Child is slowly taken

And if violence causes the silence

Who are we mistaking

But you see it's not me

It's not my family

In your head in your head

They are fighting

With their tanks and their bombs

And their bombs and their guns

In your head in your head they are crying

In your head

In your head

Zombie zombie zombie ei ei

What's in your head

In your head.

Zombie, zombie, zombie ei, ei, ei, oh do,do,do,do,do,do,do,do

Another mother's breaking heart

is taking over the violence causes silence

We must be mistaken

It's the same old thing since 1916

In your head in your head

Their still fighting

With their tanks and their bombs

And their bombs and their guns

In your head in your head they are dying

歌詞來源:痞客邦 三分鐘熱度


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