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[西洋] Madison Beer - I Have Never Felt More Alive / The Fall (2022 Movie) [複製連結]

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發表於 2022-11-23 02:52:52 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 2

"I Have Never Felt More Alive"
(from "Fall" soundtrack)

Oh, lover
You told me I would never find another
If I went on without you I would suffer
You said that I would struggle to survive, but I have never
Oh, baby
Remember how you said that you would save me?
But you're the only one who needed saving
You said that I would struggle to survive, but I have never felt more alive

Remember the end?
Remember how you said that we should be friends?
Keep your friendship
I'll tell you again
I'm cutting my ties, I'm cutting my losses
Where's your mind? Have you lost it?

'Cause I made peace, but if you want war

Oh, lover, you told me I would never find another
If I went on without you I would suffer
You said that I would struggle to survive, but I have never
Oh, baby, remember how you said that you would save me?
But you're the only one who needed saving
You said that I would struggle to survive, but I have never felt more alive

Let me explain
I wasn't playing, no, I don't play games
You should know that
You played yourself
I'm cutting you off, you've taken your last hit
There was a line and you crossed it

'Cause I made peace, but if you want war

Oh, lover, you told me I would never find another
If I went on without you I would suffer
You said that I would struggle to survive, but I have never
Oh, baby, remember how you said that you would save me?
But you're the only one who needed saving
You said that I would struggle to survive, but I have never felt more alive

全美新片票房冠軍!【墜】The Fall 電影預告 9/16(週五) 孤立無援


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