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[西洋] 黎安萊姆絲-God is a girl [複製連結]



Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2010-8-24 15:43:50 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

remembering me discover and see all over the world
known as a girl to those who a free
she mind shall be key forgotten as the past
cause history will last

god is a girl
wherever you are
do you believe it can you receive it
god is a girl
whatever you say
do you believe it can you receive it
god is a girl
however you live
do you believe it can you receive it
god is a girl
only a girl
do you believe it can you receive it

she wants to shine forever in time
she is so driven she always mine
cleanly and free
she wants you to be a part of the future
a girl like me
there is a sky illuminating us someone is out there
that we truly trust
there is a rainbow for you and me
a beautiful sunrise eternally

god is a girl
wherever you are
do you believe it can you receive it
god is a girl
whatever you say
do you believe it can you receive it
god is a girl
however you live
do you believe it can you receive it
god is a girl
only a girl
do you believe it can you receive it

god is a girl
wherever you are
do you believe it can you receive it
god is a girl
whatever you say
do you believe it can you receive it
god is a girl
however you live
do you believe it can you receive it
god is a girl
only a girl
do you believe it can you receive it

輕快的曲風 有點英式抒情搖滾

這是台客的所有帖 喜歡可以去看看喔 順便幫忙按個感謝芭^_^

《 本帖最後由 專業台客 於 2010-8-25 19:45 編輯 》
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想哭的衝動  開始在失去以後



Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13

原創及親傳圖影片高手勳章 熱心參予論壇活動及用心回覆主題勳章

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2010-8-24 21:08:27 |只看該作者


我也很喜歡她的How Do I Live



Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2010-8-24 22:15:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 暗雪 於 2010-8-24 21:08 發表


我也很喜歡她的How Do I Live

黑阿  而且他那一句 真的很經典!!
想哭的衝動  開始在失去以後
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