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[西洋] Phil Collins - If Leaving Me Is Easy [複製連結]


USS Enterprise

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Phil Collins

If Leaving Me Is Easy

I read all the letters, I read each word that you've sent to me
And though it's past now, and the words start to fade
All the memories I have start, still remain
I've kept all the pictures, but I hide my feelings so no-one knows
Oh sure my friends all come round, but I'm in a crowd on my own
It's 'cos you're gone now, but your heart, still remains
And it'll be here if you come again

You see, I'd heard the rumours, I knew before you let me know
But I didn't believe it, not you,
No you would not let me go
Seems I was wrong, but I love, I love you the same
And that's the one thing that you can't take away but just remember...

If leaving me is easy,
Then coming back is harder...


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