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[西洋] Turn back the clock - Johnny hates Jazz [複製連結]


USS Enterprise

Rank: 15Rank: 15Rank: 15Rank: 15Rank: 15

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發表於 2015-3-20 23:02:10 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

Another day is ended
And I still can't sleep
Remembering my yesterdays
I begin to weep
If I could have it over
Live my life again
I wouldn't change a single day

I wish that I could turn back the clock
Bring the wheels of time to stop
Back to the days when life was so much better

Lying here in silence
Picture in my hand
Of a boy I still resemble
But I no longer understand
And as the tears run freely
How I realise they were the best years of my life


You might say it's just
A case of giving up

But without these memories where is the love
Where is the love

If I could have it over
Live my life again
I wouldn't change a single day


Why can't I turn back the clock
Bring the wheels of time to a stop
Back to the days
Oh no no
I remember when
Life was so good
I'd go back id I could
Oh oh I wouldn't change a single day
Don't let the memories slip away
I wouldn't change a single day
Don't let the memories slip away


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