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[西洋] 曲婉婷 - Life Is Like a Song [複製連結]

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發表於 2017-5-14 16:01:19 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1

作詞:曲婉婷 Wanting.Nathan Stafford
作曲:曲婉婷 Wanting
編曲:Winston Hauschild

Do you know the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you say “I'd love to.”
It makes me feel alive
Do you know the way you run your fingers through my hair…
And I'm with you now
Life is like a…
Life is like a song, sing along
On and on and on it lingers on, come along
Piece together phrases in a funny way
Life is like a song
It was a rainy day, I got you on the phone
“How do you do? It's been a while or two, a while or two…”
Suddenly the clouds had disappeared

Love is kind love is blind
I don't mind being your lover's fool
Life is like a…
Life is like a song, sing along
On and on and on it lingers on, come along
Piece together phrases in a funny way
Life is like a song
Life is like a song, it has its ups and downs
Life is like a song, and it carries us on, oh…
It's like a song…on and on and on
Oh life is like a song, and it has its ups and downs
And it carries us on, oh…
Life is like a…a song!


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