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[國際] 拋棄烏克蘭、繞過歐洲:特朗普也拋棄了美國全球領導力?<<<台灣咁準備好啊? [複製連結]

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狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2025-2-14 17:58:47 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
本文最後由 taf_jsc 於 2025-2-14 18:00 編輯

拋棄烏克蘭、繞過歐洲:特朗普也拋棄了美國全球領導力?撰文:劉燕婷出版:2025-02-14 12:00更新:2025-02-14 12:00

特朗普(Donald Trump,又譯川普)上任以來,除了提出驚人的「接管」加沙方案,也在俄烏談判上讓人大吃一驚。

2月12日,特朗普與俄羅斯總統普京(Vladimir Putin,又譯普丁或蒲亭)進行了約90分鐘通話,雙方同意立即就終止俄烏戰爭展開談判。特朗普其後在白宮會見記者時指出,自己極有可能在沙特阿拉伯與普京進行會面;克里姆林宮發言人佩斯科夫(Dmitry Peskov)也表示,普京邀請特朗普訪問莫斯科,就共同關心的領域進行討論,其中包括如何解決烏克蘭問題。

同日,美國新任國防部長赫格塞斯(Pete Hegseth)也就俄烏戰爭公開發言,闡述美方關於談判的四大立場:不會讓烏克蘭加入北約、不可能重拾2014年前的邊界、不會對烏克蘭派駐美軍、美方不會繼續成為烏克蘭主要軍援來源。赫格塞斯同時補充,特朗普政府會將注意力轉向確保美國自身邊境安全,並阻止與中國的戰爭(deterring war with China)美國將不再優先考慮歐洲和烏克蘭的安全。

可想而知,這種姿態引發了歐洲焦慮。12日當天,歐盟委員會(European Commission)與英國、法國、德國、意大利、西班牙、波蘭發表聯合聲明,表示歐洲必須參與未來有關烏克蘭命運的任何談判,強調只有達成公平的協議並提供安全保證,才能確保持久的和平,「烏克蘭和歐洲必須成為任何談判的一部分,應該為烏克蘭提供強有力的安全保障。」前述7方也在同日於巴黎會晤烏克蘭外長,討論歐盟的防禦戰略、加強烏克蘭安全、規劃未來的和平談判,以及如何在即將舉行的慕尼黑安全會議上與美國會談。











但這對歐洲各國、乃至俄羅斯來說遠遠不夠,尤其是對莫斯科,因為俄烏戰爭本身就是歐陸安全失衡的結果,停戰必然涉及長期的秩序再安排,但特朗普顯然無意優先考慮這個問題,因為這位商人總統對複雜的國際設計不感興趣,而是更喜歡直截了當的交易,例如第一次執政時推動的中東《亞伯拉罕協議》(Abraham Accords),就是繞過根深蒂固的歷史爭端,轉而採取務實的、經濟驅動的解決方案。











而跳出俄烏衝突框架,用更宏觀的全球視角來看,特朗普的回歸標誌著美國新對外思維的再開始:隨著傳統聯盟和機構的動搖,在國家利益和務實考量推動下,新的政治動態不斷出現。這種轉變究竟會帶來更大穩定,還是加劇緊張局勢,有待後續觀察,但有一件事或許相當明顯:過去人們所習慣的「美國全球領導」旋律正在式微,而特朗普就是最突出的時代象徵。 ... utm_medium=referral



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狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2025-2-14 18:50:53 |只看該作者
特朗普這個搞事仔 害我股票輸一屁股

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發表於 2025-2-14 18:54:32 |只看該作者

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發表於 2025-2-15 09:46:34 |只看該作者

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狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2025-2-15 19:17:32 |只看該作者
本文最後由 taf_jsc 於 2025-2-15 19:20 編輯

Opening Remarks by Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth at Ukraine Defense Contact Group (As Delivered) Feb. 12, 2025 Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth Brussels, Belgium

Good afternoon, friends.
Thank you, Secretary Healy for your leadership, both in hosting and now leading the UDCG.
This is my first Ukraine Defense Contact Group. And I'm honored to join all of you today.
And I appreciate the opportunity to share President Trump's approach to the war in Ukraine.
We are at, as you said Mr. Secretary, a critical moment. As the war approaches its third anniversary, our message is clear: The bloodshed must stop.  And this war must end.
President Trump has been clear with the American people – and with many of your leaders – that stopping the fighting and reaching an enduring peace is a top priority.
He intends to end this war by diplomacy and bringing both Russia and Ukraine to the table. And the U.S. Department of Defense will help achieve this goal.
We will only end this devastating war – and establish a durable peace – by coupling allied strength with a realistic assessment of the battlefield.
We want, like you, a sovereign and prosperous Ukraine. But we must start by recognizing that returning to Ukraine's pre-2014 borders is an unrealistic objective.  

Chasing this illusionary goal will only prolong the war and cause more suffering.
A durable peace for Ukraine must include robust security guarantees to ensure that the war will not begin again.
This must not be Minsk 3.0.
That said, the United States does not believe that NATO membership for Ukraine is a realistic outcome of a negotiated settlement.
Instead any security guarantee must be backed by capable European and non-European troops.
If these troops are deployed as peacekeepers to Ukraine at any point, they should be deployed as part of a non-NATO mission. And they should not covered under Article 5.  There also must be robust international oversight of the line of contact.
To be clear, as part of any security guarantee, there will not be U.S. troops deployed to Ukraine.
To further enable effective diplomacy and drive down energy prices that fund the Russian war machine, President Trump is unleashing American energy production and encouraging other nations to do the same. Lower energy prices coupled with more effective enforcement of energy sanctions will help bring Russia to the table.
Safeguarding European security must be an imperative for European members of NATO. As part of this Europe must provide the overwhelming share of future lethal and nonlethal aid to Ukraine.
Members of this Contact Group must meet the moment.  
This means:  Donating more ammunition and equipment. Leveraging comparative advantages.  Expanding your defense industrial base. And importantly, leveling with your citizens about the threat facing Europe.
Part of this is speaking frankly with your people about how this threat can only be met by spending more on defense.  
2% is not enough; President Trump has called for 5%, and I agree.
Increasing your commitment to your own security is a down payment for the future. A down payment as you said Mr. Secretary of peace through strength.
We're also here today to directly and unambiguously express that stark strategic realities prevent the United States of America from being primarily focused on the security of Europe.
The United States faces consequential threats to our homeland.  We must – and we are – focusing on security of our own borders.
We also face a peer competitor in the Communist Chinese with the capability and intent to threaten our homeland and core national interests in the Indo-Pacific. The U.S. is prioritizing deterring war with China in the Pacific, recognizing the reality of scarcity, and making the resourcing tradeoffs to ensure deterrence does not fail.
Deterrence cannot fail, for all of our sakes.
As the United States prioritizes its attention to these threats, European allies must lead from the front.
Together, we can establish a division of labor that maximizes our comparative advantages in Europe and Pacific respectively.
In my first weeks as Secretary of Defense, under President Trump's leadership, we've seen promising signs that Europe sees this threat, understands what needs to be done, and is stepping up to the task.
For example, Sweden recently announced its largest ever assistance package. We applaud them for committing $1.2 billion in ammunition and other needed materiel.
Poland is spending 5% of GDP on defense already, which is a model for the continent.
And 14 countries are co-leading Capability Coalitions. These groups are doing great work to coordinate Europe's contributions of lethal assistance across eight key capability areas.
These are first steps. More must still be done.  
We ask each of your countries to step up on fulfilling the commitments that you have made.  
And we challenge your countries, and your citizens, to double down and re-commit yourselves not only to Ukraine's immediate security needs, but to Europe's long-term defense and deterrence goals.
Our transatlantic alliance has endured for decades. And we fully expect that it will be sustained for generations to come. But this won't just happen.  
It will require our European allies to step into the arena and take ownership of conventional security on the continent.  
The United States remains committed to the NATO alliance and to the defense partnership with Europe. Full stop.   
But the United States will no longer tolerate an imbalanced relationship which encourages dependency.  Rather, our relationship will prioritize empowering Europe to own responsibility for its own security.
Honesty will be our policy going forward – but only in the spirit of solidarity.   
President Trump looks forward to working together, to continuing this frank discussion amongst friends, and to achieve peace through strength – together.
Thank you. ... ne-defense-contact/
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