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[西洋] Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody [複製連結]

Rank: 4

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-12-4 02:26:41 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 2

Is this the real life-這一切都是真的?
Is this just fantasy-還是幻想?
Caught in a landslide-被困於山崩
No escape from reality-無法逃避現實
Open your eyes睜開眼睛
Look up to the skies and see-抬頭看看天空
I'm just a poor boy,I need no sympathy-我只是個窮人的孩子,不需要同情
Because I'm easy come,easy go,因為我總是任人呼來喚去
A little high,little low,跑上跑下的
Anyway the wind blows,doesn't really matter to me,風往哪個方向吹
To me與我何干?

Mama,just killed a man,媽媽,我剛剛殺了個人
Put a gun against his head,用槍口抵住他的頭
Pulled my trigger,now he's dead,扣下扳機,那個男的已經死了
Mama,life had just begun,媽媽,人生才剛開始
But now I've gone and thrown it all away-現在卻全毀了
Mama ooo,媽媽,不
Didn't mean to make you cry-是故意要惹你傷心落淚
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow-如果明天這個時候我沒有回來
Carry on,carry on,as if nothing really matters-你要活下去,裝做什麼事都沒發生

Too late,my time has come,太遲了,我的死期到了
Sends shivers down my spine-脊椎開始顫抖
Body's aching all the time,全身痛苦不堪
Goodbye everybody-I've got to go-再見了,各位!我要走了
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth-我得離開你們,去面對現實
Mama ooo- (any way the wind blows)媽媽,
I don't want to die,我不想死啊!
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all-有時候,我希望自己沒有出生到這個世上

I see a little silhouetto of a man,我看到一個男人的側影
Scaramouche,scaramouche will you do the Fandango-
Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me- 我看到一個男人的側影
Galileo Galileo
Galileo figaro-Magnifico-
But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me-我只是個窮人的孩子,沒有人喜歡我
He's just a poor boy from a poor family-他只是個來自窮苦人家的可憐孩子
Spare him his life from this monstrosity-饒了這個怪胎一命吧!
Easy come easy go-,will you let me go-我總是任人使喚,你能放我走嗎?

Bismillah! No-,we will not let you go-let him go-真主啊!不,我們不會放你走
Bismillah! We will not let you go-let him go 放過他吧!)真主啊!我們不會放你走
Bismillah! We will not let you go-let me go 放過他吧!)真主啊!我們不會放你走
Will not let you go-let me go (放我走吧!)我們不會放你走
Will not let you go let me go (放我走吧!)我們不會放你走
No,no,no,no,no,no,no- 不!不!不!. . . . . . . . .
Mama mia,mama mia,mama mia let me go- (噢!媽媽咪亞)放我走吧!
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me,for me,for me- 惡魔特別準備了一個魔鬼要來對付我.

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye-你認為你可以對我丟石塊或吐口水在我的眼睛
So you think you can love me and leave me to die-你認為你可以愛我,也可以不管我的死活
Oh baby-Can't do this to me baby-噢!寶貝,千萬別這樣對我
Just gotta get out-just gotta get right outta here- 我想出去 我想逃出這個地方

Nothing really matters,已經無關緊要了,
Anyone can see, 任何人都看得出來
Nothing really matters-,nothing really matters to me, 對我已經無關緊要了

Any way the wind blows....不論風往哪個方向吹

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