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[東洋] 朴秀珍 - My Story [複製連結]

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發表於 2014-4-9 02:11:44 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1

Park Soo Jin – My Story (mv很好看~)

The man who made me cry every night
So the girl who broke up with him
That’s my painful love story
That I only thought I could see on TV

A girl who is alone on the weekends
A girl who wanders around by herself
A girl who sheds tears every night
That’s my painful story

I say that he treated me better than anyone else
I say that I was happy, lying like that
Although I shed tears alone every night
I can’t talk about this pain

It’s my story, my story, in pain by myself
It’s my story, my story, I want to be happy
I want to forget him, I want to forget it all
I feel like I could burst, my heart is rotting away
It’s a sad love story
It’s my painful story

My friends say it’s a good thing we broke up
They say he was a bad guy, that he played me
That it wasn’t love
I say it’s not like that, he was a good person
But I turn around and shed tears

I say that he treated me better than anyone else
I say that I was happy, lying like that
Although I shed tears alone every night
I can’t talk about this pain

It’s my story, my story, in pain by myself
It’s my story, my story, I want to be happy
I want to forget him, I want to forget it all
I feel like I could burst, my heart is rotting away
It’s a sad love story
It’s my painful story

I want to be a girl who is loved
I want to love like a normal person
It wasn’t like this in the beginning
But now I’m cast away
Care for me a little more, love me

It’s my story, my story, in pain by myself
It’s my story, my story, I want to be happy
I want to forget him, I want to forget it all
I feel like I could burst, my heart is rotting away
It’s a sad love story
It’s my painful story

ps:找不到中文翻譯 只有英文的

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