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[西洋] Bea Miller(畢婭米勒) - Open Your Eyes(看清楚了)" [複製連結]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


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發表於 2014-8-8 21:29:01 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 2

Bea Miller –
Open Your Eyes Lyrics

Water and light
Leaves his eyes
History falling down
Hope rising up
We're the here and now
All that came before
Can I stay asleep?
We're not children anymore

We can fight the dark
This is who we are
There's a new light coming
Finally had enough
Finally waking up
To who we are becoming
Open your eyes!

Will you be my love
Will you go with me
Are you who I dreamed?
Or just a memory
Will you understand
What I have to do
Will you be the man
The one I thought I knew


Into the deep blue
We'll do this together
Water and fire
Reach higher
There's no turning back


揚在臉上的自信  長在心裡的善良  融入血液的骨氣  刻在生命的堅強
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