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[西洋] NOTD, Shy Martin - Keep You Mine [複製連結]

Rank: 15Rank: 15Rank: 15Rank: 15Rank: 15

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狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2020-1-6 15:21:25 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 3

作詞:Freddy Alexander, Hayley Aitken, Litens Anton Nilsson, Mitchell Lewis, Samuel Brandt, Magnus Tobias Mikael Danielsson & SHY Martin
作曲:Freddy Alexander, Hayley Aitken, Litens Anton Nilsson, Mitchell Lewis, Samuel Brandt, Magnus Tobias Mikael Danielsson & SHY Martin

Yes, we started a fight, now the bedroom is burning
Can we put it out?
'Cause we're both saying things that we're gonna regret and
Every word's too loud

We gotta slow, slow, slow down
Get out alone, lone, lone now
Yeah, we should go, go, go now
'Cause things are always better
Things are always better

When you call me back in a little
When the dust starts to settle
All we need is a little time
To keep me yours and keep you mine
Don't be scared if we're falling
It hurts less in the morning
All we need is a little time
To keep me yours and keep you mine
To keep me yours and keep you mine

There's a cloud in this room and I can't cut the tension
'Cause we lost the knife
In the mountain of dishes that non of us mentioned
We eat out at night

We gotta slow, slow, slow down
Get out alone, lone, lone now
Yeah, we should go, go, go now
'Cause things are always better
Things are always better

When you call me back in a little
When the dust starts to settle
All we need is a little time
To keep me yours and keep you mine
Don't be scared if we're falling
It hurts less in the morning
All we need is a little time
To keep me yours and keep you mine
To keep me yours and keep you mine

Call me back in a little
When the dust starts to settle
All we need is a little time
To keep me yours and keep you mine


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