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[西洋] Ralph McTell - Streets of London [複製連結]

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10


狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2024-6-30 11:45:47 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 2
本文最後由 the1the2 於 2024-6-30 20:28 編輯

你見過那老人嗎 Have you seen the old man
在已關閉的市場裡 In the closed down market
踢著報紙 Kicking up the papers
穿著破舊的鞋? With his worn out shoes?
他眼中看不見驕傲 In his eyes, you see no pride
雙手無力地垂在身側 Hand held loosely at his side
昨日的報紙 Yesterday's paper
訴說著昨日的新聞 Telling yesterday's news
你怎能告訴我你很孤單 So, how can you tell me you're lonely
還說陽光不再照耀你? And say for you that the sun don't shine?
讓我牽起你的手 Let me take you by the hand
帶你穿越倫敦街頭 And lead you through the streets of London
讓你看些東西,改變你的想法 Show you something to make you change your mind
你見過那老婦人嗎 Have you seen the old girl
在倫敦街頭漫步 Who walks the streets of London
頭髮蓬亂 Dirt in her hair
衣衫襤褸? And her clothes in rags?
她沒時間說話 She's no time for talking
只是不停地走 She just keeps right on walking
背著家當 Carrying her home
裝在兩個購物袋裡 In two carrier bags
你怎能告訴我你很孤單 So, how can you tell me you're lonely
還說陽光不再照耀你? And say for you that the sun don't shine?
讓我牽起你的手 Let me take you by the hand
帶你穿越倫敦街頭 And lead you through the streets of London
讓你看些東西,改變你的想法 Show you something to make you change your mind
在通宵營業的咖啡館裡 In the all night cafe
十一點十五分 At a quarter past eleven
同一個老人 Same old man
獨自坐在那兒 Sitting there on his own
凝視著世界 Looking at the world
越過茶杯邊緣 Over the rim of his tea cup
每杯茶喝上一小時 Each tea lasts an hour
然後孤獨地踱步回家 And he wanders home alone
你怎能告訴我你很孤單? So, how can you tell me you're lonely?
別說陽光不再照耀你 Don't say for you that the sun don't shine
讓我牽起你的手 Let me take you by the hand
帶你穿越倫敦街頭 And lead you through the streets of London
讓你看些東西,改變你的想法 Show you something to make you change your mind
你見過那老人嗎 Have you seen the old man
在水手之家外 Outside the seaman's mission
記憶隨著 Memory fading with
他胸前的勳章緞帶漸漸褪色? The medal ribbons that he wears?
在我們的冬日城市 In our winter city
雨水微微哀悼 The rain cries a little pity
又一位被遺忘的英雄 For one more forgotten hero
和一個冷漠的世界 And a world that doesn't care
你怎能告訴我你很孤單 So, how can you tell me you're lonely
還說陽光不再照耀你? And say for you that the sun don't shine?
讓我牽起你的手 Let me take you by the hand
帶你穿越倫敦街頭 And lead you through the streets of London
我會讓你看些東西,改變你的想法 I'll show you something to make you change your mind
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