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[西洋] The Restless Age - Don`t Forget About Me [複製連結]

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發表於 2024-7-7 06:20:08 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1

Open to page sixty-four
We`ll study what came before
Books are binding but there`s so much more

this little schools just a race
But I can tell by your grace
History will one day know your fsce

Cause you got the wit
And you got the diive
You hold the whole world between your eyes
Oh, it`s so easy to see
Just don`t forget about me

You could sail to the moon
Make snow in mid-june
Oh, there`s nothing that you couldn`t do
You probably got me all wrong
If I could just tag along
l`d be a man you could hang your hat on

`Cause you got the world in palm of your fist
You could move mountain tops
Wlth the slight of your wrist
Oh, the greatness I foresee
just don`t forget about me

I know that it seems far away
One laat year `til we graduate
They say life holds many truths
And I`ll never forget you
So far as I can gather to guess
My hearts an open book, I profess
In the fsce of destiny
Don`t forget about me

So, open to page sixty-four
We`ll read about what`s in store
Books are binding but there`s so much more
This little school is mundane
But I can proudly proclaim
History will one day know your name

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