「We saw large adoption and acceleration of EVs and then a bit of a hangover as others struggled to make compelling EVs. So there have been quite a few competing electric vehicles that have entered the market and mostly, they have not done well, but they have discounted their EVs quite substantially, which has made it more a bit difficult for Tesla. We don't see this as a long-term issue, but really as fairly short term.」
簡單來說,這段話的大意是:雖然電動車已被廣為接受,當各車廠爭相進入電動車市場之後,產生了不少後遺症,這個後遺症就是市場上實在有太多「雜魚」!這些跟風推出的電動車,許多產品根本達不到電動車應該有的水準,除了影響了消費者採用電動車的信心,也因為銷量不佳,必需透過降價來吸引消費者。一連串混亂的價格競爭,也造成 Tesla 處境的一些困難。