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[心情抒發] 墮胎,真的是唯一的選擇嗎....??? [複製連結]

Rank: 2

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發表於 2014-12-17 14:04:55 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽

在現今,各位對愛惜生命的議題已經十分了解,甚至對於野貓野狗的生命也很重視,那麼對於一個即將生產的小生命呢?我們是否如此健忘... 當我們來不及做好準備成為一位父母時,或是受到各樣的阻擾時, 我們是否就忘記...忘記這位小生命是如此的可貴,就像上帝賜下的一位小天使..

如果  未來我們遇到今天的問題,或是已有人面臨了這個問題,我只想讓你們知道,你們不是只有一個選擇..  墮胎不是唯一的選擇...

最後  向你們介紹這一位女孩,他也曾面臨如此的抉擇,但她選擇生下她的孩子,最後這位孩子成為他的力量、幫助,也讓他了解到了甚麼是  愛 。
他的心聲也在他的歌詞裡透漏了,所以 就讓我們聽聽,聽這位母親要告訴我們的故事...........這首歌一開始只能聽到無助和絕望,但是最後卻找到了....

美國一名來自明尼蘇達州的18歲美眉莫莉(Molly Kate Kestner),在復活節時自彈自唱一首歌曲《 His daughter》,描述一個女孩子走出遭受侵犯的悲慘陰霾的心路歷程,淒美、滄桑的嗓音深植人心:

來源:Molly Kate Kestner

"Everything's gonna be alright."
She whispers to herself.
She was only 6 years old that night.
As she hid behind that shelf.
Cause daddy had a little too much to drink.
And mama didn't want her to feel the pain she felt.
But she still felt the pain...

Well 10 years they came and went,
and dad was gone.
So she looked for love in other men.
And tried to act strong.
Broken hearts and Scars in only places she could see.
Cause she just wanted, she just wanted to feel something.

And as she sat there on that bed,
thinking bout what those girls said,
tears streamed down her eyes.
She cried...

"If there's a God out there
Please hear my prayer.
I'm lost and I'm scared,
and I've got nowhere else to go.
I've come a long, long way.
But I'm not sure I can make it much farther...
So if you're listening, could you give a helping hand.
To your daughter."

Well her path started to change.
She reached out and grabbed God's grace.
And finally, she saw a light.
Until that night...
Where she decided one drink was alright,
and one thing led to another.
Next thing you know, 9 months go by,
she's a mother.

And as she laid there in that bed.
Stroking that small angel's head.
Tears streamed down her eyes.
She cried...

"If there's a God out there.
Please hear my prayer.
I'm lost and I'm scared,
and I've got nowhere else to run.
I've come a long, long way.
But I'm not sure I can be the best mother...
So if you're listening, could you give a helping hand.
To your daughter."

Well that baby grew into a boy.
Who became her pride and joy.
He loved her like no man could.
And her heart felt peace, cause she finally understood.
God's love.

And as she laid there in that bed,
99 years old.
She grabbed her son's hand and said.
"There's something you must know..."

"There is a God up there.
Who heard my prayer.
I was lost and afraid.
And I had nowhere else to go.
I had no clue, what to do
And then He sent me you."

So if you're lost and afraid,
and you feel so alone,
don't worry child,
cause there's a Father who will love you as His own.
Just like he loved his daughter.
Like he loved His daughter.


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