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[西洋] Climie Fisher - Rise To The Occasion [複製連結]


USS Enterprise

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發表於 2015-3-20 22:25:36 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽

Various Artists

Rise to the Occasion

Rise to the occasion, look at yourself, then say your strong
No one can stop you
(Oh, yeah)
Rise to the occasion, go ahead, you know your strong
No one can stop you

It's for you to make the best in life now that you got the chance
Get up and step to towards your goal, it's alright
Fulfill your needs and wants
You to make the best in life now that you got the chance
Get up and step to towards your goal, it's alright
(Yeah, yeah)

Some people read and meditate, I just move scanty, yo
Some people are conscious about life, others are still panting, yo
Some people like strong drink cold like champagne and brandy, yo
Babies love ice cream and cake and cotton candy, yo
I love herbs and girls, good words, roots and mashanti, yo

Girls love clothes, shoes, going to school
Brand new and mean spanking, yo
Yet we all need education because that the damn thing, yo
All things fade leaving its standing

It's for you to make the best in life now that you got the chance
Get up and step to towards your goal, it's alright
(Yeah, yeah)
Fulfill your needs and wants, you to make the best in life
Now that you got the chance
Get up and step to towards your goal, it's alright
(Yeah, yeah)
Fulfill your needs and wants

You've got the clearance that's the reference
Perseverance for the utmost, that should be your preference
Still so dread and talent is your evidence
Help those are far off, teach those in your resident
(Oh, yeah, yeah)
Girls getting sentiments, look at with a clear conscience

It's for you to make the best in life now that you got the chance
Get up and step to towards your goal, it's alright
(Yeah, yeah)
Fulfill your needs and wants
It's for you to make the best in life now that you got the chance
Get up and step to towards your goal, it's alright
(Yeah, yeah)

(Oh, wow)
People try so many things just to make a living
Thanks and praise to the king, ever living thanks giving, yo
Me know distracts and stay focus because it now begins
Got to achieve you goals and it's so vivid

No crime, no killing, no confusion, life is so real, no time for disillusion
Just like mom would say, love is the solution
Keep making music, lift up music, the throne

It's for you to make the best in life now that you got the chance
Get up and step to towards your goal, it's alright
(Yeah, yeah)
Fulfill your needs and wants
You to make the best in life now that you got the chance
Get up and step to towards your goal, it's alright


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