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[西洋] 우기(YUQI) - Red Rover [複製連結]

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狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2025-2-10 21:50:52 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 | x 1

Dim the lights, let me tell you ‘bout a story
I gave all of myself to someone turns out
They were selfish and we went out with a bang
Terrified, I made a promise to myself that
I’d never let somebody hold me down
And choke me out, and walk all over me again
I switched my energy, got no sympathy
You should beware, you should be scared of me
I got a chip on my shoulder
Break you down and puck you over baby
Red, red rover
Nah it ain’t fun if I ain’t sinning
I’m not like those other women no
I don’t gotta be the hero, don’t you know
Don’t you know that I’m the villain
Listen close, every bad guy’s got their reason
Turned me to a criminal all cynical
But I don’t want it any other way
Queue the smoke
It’s so much better on the darker side
‘Cause I don’t get hurt no more I got
Cutthroat energy, got no sympathy
You should beware, you should be scared of me
I got a chip on my shoulder
Break you down and puck you over baby
Red, red rover
Nah it ain’t fun if I ain’t sinning
I’m not like those other women no
I don’t gotta be the hero, don’t you know
Don’t you know that I’m the villain
Lalalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalalala lalalalalalala
Lalalalalala lalalalalalala
I don’t gotta be the hero, don’t you know
Don’t you know that I’m the villain


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GMT+8, 2025-2-21 21:00

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