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[程式設計] Microchip PIC32 入門(1)--PIC32介紹 [複製連結]

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發表於 2011-11-21 16:50:44 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 3
本帖最後由 alphi 於 2011-11-21 16:59 編輯


   目前32位元通用型MCU大多數採用ARM授權的Cortex-M系列(Cortex-M0/Cortex-M3/Cortex-M4)以及Cortex-R(Cortex-R4/Cortex-R4F),除了少數公司有能力推出自己的32位元通運型MCU(如Atmel AVR32,TI的C2000系列).另一部分就是採用MIPS授權的IP。其中目前microchip購買來自MIPS M4K核心所推出的32bit MCU效能與性價比非常高。目前我也在使用這個系列MCU作一些開發專案。效能來說Cortex-M3為1.25MIPS/MHz,而PIC32為1.56MIPS/MHz.在他核心頻率為80MHz時可提供125MIPS性能。且高達128KB SRAM與512KB Flash對於一些大型系統甚至於嵌入式圖形都綽綽有餘。我將會提供一系列基於PIC32 PLIB以及Microchip C32 Compiler為基礎的入門開發

參考書籍:Programming 32bit Microcontrollers in C exploring PIC32,非常好的一本書.建議可以去閱讀

1.MCU Core
80MHz, 1.56 DMIPS/MHz, 32-bit MIPS M4K® Core
USB 2.0 On-The-Go Peripheral with integrated PHY
10/100 Ethernet MAC with MII/RMII Interfaces
2 x CAN2.0b modules with 1024 buffers
8 Dedicated DMA Channels for USB OTG, Ethernet, and CAN
5 Stage pipeline, Harvard architecture
MIPS16e mode for up to 40% smaller code size
Single cycle multiply and hardware divide unit
32 x 32-bit Core Registers
32 x 32-bit Shadow Registers
Fast context switch and interrupt response

2.MCU System Features

512K Flash (plus 12K boot Flash)
128K RAM (can execute from RAM)
8 Channel General Hardware DMA Controller
Flash prefetch module with 256 Byte cache
Lock instructions or data in cache for fast access
Programmable vector interrupt controller

3.Analog Features

Fast and Accurate 16 channel 10-bit ADC,
Max 1 Mega sample per second at +/- 1LSB, conversion available during SLEEP & IDLE

4.Power Management Modes

RUN, IDLE, and SLEEP modes
Multiple switchable clock modes for each power mode, enables optimum power settings

5.Debug Features

iFlow Trace: Non-intrusive Hardware Instruction Trace port (5 Wires)
8 hardware breakpoints (6 Instruction and 2 Data)
2 wire programming and debugging interface
JTAG interface supporting Programming, Debugging and Boundary scan

6.Other MCU Features

Fail-Safe Clock Monitor - allows safe shutdown if clock fails
2 Internal oscillators (8MHz & 31KHz)
Hardware RTCC (Real-Time Clock and Calendar with Alarms)
Watchdog Timer with separate RC oscillator
Pin compatible with 16-bit PIC® MCUs
Serial Communication Modules allow flexible UART/SPI/I2C™ configuration
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