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[豐胸資訊] 救救我~~~18年了還是A [複製連結]

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發表於 2015-7-25 12:07:58 |顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 music4life 於 2015-7-25 12:09 編輯

You know breast size is genetically encoded in you so there's not much you can do, unfortunately...

Even if you try to eat what others do, it won't work. I'm telling you , it doesn't work like that.

The mythes you hear about is not necessarily for everyone. IF you ask 10 test subjects, they will all give you different results. It then because a person's favorite food rather than somehting that is beneficiary to what you want to eat. Also, think about the family traits. IF you do a little reserach you'll find that those foods don't really work the way you think they might.
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cat^^ + 5 您的真誠回覆內容精闢,堪為表率,值得鼓勵.

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狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2015-8-25 10:46:04 |顯示全部樓層
joanna1997 發表於 2015-8-17 09:13  
Are you a doctor?You told me the truth!
I think I need to fund the correct method for me!

So, I'm not sure if that's sarcasm but if you are talking about finding the correct method for yourself then I would suggest you to take a look at the article presented here.

Be sure to focus on the natural aspect of these articles. I do have friends that exercise and that really seems to help the most along with a good diet!        <--- copy and paste this link to your browser
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