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[問題討論] 關於水中擊發的步槍 [複製連結]

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狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2011-4-30 13:00:39 |只看該作者

回覆 #10 海瑩 的帖子

沒有他的詳細資料~不過同時期稍早一點的前蘇聯SPP-1水中手槍可以對比一下 工作原理差不多~ 威力應該也在伯仲之間

SPP-1(1971) 容量是四發~比p11(1976)少一發
空氣中的初速是240~250公尺/秒~ 射程15~20公尺
基本上射程跟威力都優於speargun (電影中那種像槍的魚叉)

順便補一下aps兩棲突擊步槍 也是前蘇聯的產品



然後90年代蘇聯又搞出了ASM - DT~ 在2000年的時候服役
資料不詳~ 如果有人弄到可以分享一下
上面那隻看起來就是如同之前的設計~ 下面似乎有另外研發的特殊彈藥~


《 本帖最後由 blueflow 於 2011-4-30 16:43 編輯 》
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Rank: 4

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2011-4-30 15:24:51 |只看該作者

回覆 #11 blueflow 的帖子

ASM-DT amphibious rifle

(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Underwater Assault rifle

Place of origin: Soviet Union, Russia

Service history:In service 2000s

Used by: Unconfirmed reports of marketing to Western special operations units.

Wars: unclear due to secrecy

Designer:Prof. Yuri Danilov

Designed: 1990s

The ASM-DT is a Russian folding-stock underwater firearm. It emerged in the 1990s.

History and design

The introduction of the APS Underwater Assault Rifle solved the problem of how frogmen guarding a naval base could be armed, but there remained the problem of how to arm naval Spetsnaz combat frogmen when they were deployed on assault missions. These forces required a weapon able to provide them with a level of firepower that would be the same whether they were on the surface or underwater. The APS was of little use out of water, because under those conditions it was inaccurate, with an effective range of only 50 meters. In addition, when it was used out of the water, it wore out quickly—with a barrel life dropping from approx. 2000 to only 180 to 200 rounds.

For this reason, the naval Spetsnaz forces often fell back on using the SPP-1 pistol for underwater fighting, and the AK-74 rifle for combat out of water. The commandos thought that this arrangement was unsatisfactory, and there continued to be demand for a new weapon, an underwater automatic rifle that would be as effective as an APS underwater and an AK-74 out of water.

To meet this requirement, it had to be considered that a long smoothbore barrel was best for it to fire underwater. But, of course, the paradox was that a conventional type of projectile fired from a rifled barrel was best for firing out of water. To solve this, the rifle had to fire one kind of ammunition underwater and another kind out of water. This was achieved by having two different ammunition types and two feed slots with one behind the other, able to accept two different magazines at the same time. The design was done in 1991, at the Artillery Engineering Institute in Tula, Russia, where Professor Yuriy Danilov was the rifle's project engineer. Danilov designed the ASM-DT to fire both 5.45 x 39 mm 7N6—a version of the standard Soviet ammunition, adapted to the caliber of the ASM-DT—and also 5.45 x 39 mm MGTS, underwater ammunition like that of the existing APS. The ASM-DT uses the same magazines as the APS while under water, and AK-74 magazines above water. The magazine release shifts forward when using AK-74 magazines, and the gas system automatically adjusts for firing out of water. To enable accurate shooting when outside of water, the barrel is rifled, however it has shallow grooves running along its length, which expel some gases ahead of the bullet and blow any water out of the barrel. This prevents the barrel from bursting if the rifle should need to be taken to the surface quickly, and fired outside of water without being drained first. In addition, the rifle can be equipped with a GP-25 grenade launcher, a bayonet, or a suppressor.

The Russian Federation accepted the ASM-DT into service in the year 2000.

See APS amphibious rifle for considerations involving shooting power underwater.

ASM-DT 兩棲突擊步槍
口徑: 5.45mm 口徑: 5.45mm

APS水下步槍由於其用途有限及其他的固有缺陷而沒有大量生產,蘇聯海軍特種部隊更傾向於使用SPP-1手槍用於水下戰鬥,並攜帶一支AK-74步槍用於水面作戰。 他們希望能有一種新的武器水下自動步槍能同时代替APS和AK-74 ,方便他們在一些兩棲突擊任務中使用。 要滿足海軍突擊隊的兩棲作戰需求,最好的解決方案是同一支槍能同時發射水下彈藥和普通步槍彈。 新型水下突擊步槍的研製工作在1991年開始,由圖拉的砲兵工程學院(其前身就是研製SPP-1和APS的中央精密機械研究所)負責,尤里·達尼洛夫(Yuriy Danilov)教授是帶領該步槍項目研製小組的工程師。 達尼洛夫並不是研製一種全新的武器,而是在APS的基礎上進行大幅改進,由此研製出“雙用途”的ASM-DT兩棲突擊步槍。 該槍綽號Morskoj Lev ,即“海獅”。而對應的俄文是АСМ-ДТ“Морской Лев”。 在2000年, ASM-DT通過了俄羅斯國防部的全面試驗,而被正式採用。

ASM-DT能同時滿足水下和水上使用的關鍵在於採用5.45mm口徑的線膛槍管,既能發射標準的5.45×39mm 7N6步槍彈,又能發射新研製的5.45×39mm MGTS水下步槍彈。新的MGTS彈的設計是基於原有的MPS彈,同樣是採用流體力學效應穩定的箭形彈,彈長相同,但彈徑改為5.4mm,相當於槍膛陽線的直徑,彈頭在槍膛內運動時並不嵌進陰線內。此外槍管的陰線也較深,當發射標準彈時,會有少量火藥燃氣通過膛線與彈頭殼之間的縫隙從彈頭前噴出,把槍管內多餘的水吹出槍管,避免出水後立即發射標準彈時出現炸膛意外。

ASM-DT使用與APS相同的彈匣和標準的AK-74彈匣。 由於這兩種彈匣的前後寬度相差很大,在長形彈匣插槽上安裝了一個可前後滑動的彈匣卡筍。彈匣卡筍定位在彈匣插槽尾部時使用較寬的APS彈匣;定位在彈匣插槽中部時則使用相對較窄的AK-74彈匣,此時彈匣插槽的後半部分會用一個彈簧定位的防塵蓋來保護。

在其他方面, ASM-DT和APS都差不多,只是增加了護木和膨脹式消焰器等裝置,此外還可配備各種光學瞄準鏡、GP-25榴彈發射器、刺刀或PBS消聲器等附件。

ASM-DT使用水下彈藥時其射程和射速都與APS相近,而在空氣中使用標準的5.45×39彈藥,性能則大致與AKS-74U相同,這方面是大大優於APS 。

《 本帖最後由 949a 於 2011-5-1 01:18 編輯 》
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