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[其他] From Beach Fights to Belt Fights [複製連結]

Rank: 2

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發表於 2011-9-9 13:43:30 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
Luke Rockhold came up as a high school wrestler and jiu-jitsu player. He worked within the rules of those sports, and tried to develop techniques that leveraged his long body and athleticism.

He never formally honed his striking skills. Yet, when he was unrestrained in sparring or in a fight, he found strikes were his go-to.

“For some reason, I’m always throwing punches and trying to take the guy’s head off,” Rockhold said. “It was just a natural instinct for me. Most of my fights, I threw punches, and then I just started throwing kicks. In high school, I had a heavy bag and a speed bag in my garage, and I’d always want to kick it. I thought I was a little ninja when I was a young kid.”

In 2006, a friend invited Rockhold to the American Kickboxing Academy in San Jose, Calif. Then 21, Rockhold found himself in the famed gym’s cage with then-UFC heavyweight Christian Wellisch. Instinct took over.

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