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這陣子在 "愛情區" 晃啊晃總是見到:
有人在感情路上迷惘、迷失、失意 ...
ps: 版大,不確定這該放這"愛情區"還是"樂壇討論",若不恰當,再有勞移動了,謝謝。
Meal Loaf Life Is a Lemon and I Want My Money Back
I want my money back! I want my money back! 我要求退費, 我要退錢
It's all or nothing, and nothing's all I ever get 不是全部就是一無所有,而我就是那一無所有的
Everytime I turn it on, I burn it up and burn it out 要不就是沒兩三下就沒檔頭了
It's always something, there's always something going wrong 就是有鬼,所以諸事不順
That's the only guarantee, that's what this is all about 就是是樣,絕無例外
It's a never ending attack, everything's a lie and that's a fact 霉運一直來,生活一切都是謊言,這就是事實
Life is a lemon and I want my money back 這人生爛透了,(不玩了) 我要退費
And all the morons and all the stooges with their coins 全都是那些蠢蛋跟虛偽小人在操弄金權
They're the ones who make the rules, 也是這些人在玩弄遊戲規則
It's not a game, it's just a rout 這不是啥比賽,純都是些烏合之眾罷了
There's desperation, there's desperation in the air 是絕望,空氣中到處瀰漫著絕望
It leaves a stain on all your clothes 就像衣服上的斑漬
And no detergent gets it out 怎麼洗都洗不掉
And we're always slipping thru the cracks 但人們很快就被世俗淹沒
Then the movie's over, fade to black 就像電影散場落幕後一 片漆黑一樣自然
Life is a lemon and I want my money back 這人生爛透了,(不玩了) 我要退費
I want my money back, life is a lemony 我要求退費,這人生爛透了
What about love? 愛情怎麼了?
It's defective - it's always breaking in half 有缺陷了,總是破成兩半
What about sex? 那兩性呢?
It's defective - it's never built to really last 不完美了,關係已不永恆
What about your family? 那家庭呢?
It's defective - all the batteries are shot 殘缺不全了,家人關係緊張
What about your friends? 那朋友呢?
They're defective - all the parts are out of stock 今非昔比,互信全無
What about hope? 那希望呢?
It's defective - it's corroded and decayed 也已幻滅,因全都腐朽光了
What about faith? 那信念呢?
It's defective - it's tattered and it's frayed 也沒了,因早已破碎
What about your Gods? 造物主呢?
They're defective - They forgot the warranty 也不行了,品質保證早已無效
What about your town? 都市發展呢?
It's defective - it's a dead end street to me 別提了,都是死胡同
What about your school? 學校教育呢?
It's defective - it's a pack of useless lies 沒用了,全教些沒用的謊話
What about your work? 工作呢?
It's defective - it's a crock and then you die 算了吧,就是混吃等死
What about your childhood? 兒時歡樂呢?
It's defective - it's dead and buried in the past 沒有了,都煙消雲散過去式了
What about your future? 那未來呢?
It's defective - and you can shove it up your ass! 醒醒吧,別再做白日夢了
I want my money back - life is a lemon, life is a lemon 我要退費,這人生爛透了,真爛透了
I want my money back - life is a lemon 我要退費,這人生爛透了
It's all or nothing, and nothing's all I ever get 不是全部就是一無所有,而我就是那一無所有的
Everytime I turn it on, I burn it up and burn it out 要不就是沒兩三下就沒檔頭了
It's a never ending attack, everything's a lie and that's a fact 霉運一直來,生活一切都是謊言,這就是事實
Life is a lemon and I want my money back 這人生爛透了,(不玩了) 我要求退費
And we're always slipping thru the cracks 但人們很快就被世俗淹沒
Then the movie's over, fade to black 就像電影散場落幕後一 片漆黑一樣自然
Life is a lemon and I want my money back 這人生爛透了,(不玩了) 我要求退費
I want my money back 我要求退費
Back, back, back, back! 退費,退費,退費,退費
歌曲中的對答部分,那 it's defective 真的事說到"心坎裡",痛快,世事難料
就跟著一起嘶喊 Life is a lemon and I want my money back 吧
最後送給愛情路上失意男女:When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
總評分: 威望 + 2