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[心情物語] 希望你永遠不會看見這封信,因為那表示我有勇氣親口對你說出這一切(中英文 文長) 8/27更新 [複製連結]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-8-27 10:05:01 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1
本帖最後由 terrylin 於 2012-8-28 07:55 編輯


就決定在此發出我的處男帖 呵呵

不好意思 因為我的對象是外國人 所以就打英文了
To Cachexia,

I still remember the first time we met. I was surprised that you talked to me. There was never a pretty girl like you in my life before. I didn’t have any good female friend, and I didn’t really know how to be social with a female. Seriously, I rather had an 30 minutes presentation, but not had a chat with a lady for 3 minutes. But your smile was so shining, I couldn’t control myself to stay away from you. Remember I called you and Becca “Facebook” and “Skype”, and you called me “heels”? That was the first time I did that. I was not a social guy and I always thought a nickname like those was stupid. But I guessed I was just trying every possible chance to be closer to you. Every time I talked to you, I was nervous, and my English became poor. I used wrong words, wrong times, and wrong grammar. Sometimes I didn’t even know what I was talking about. And I often felt frustrated because I couldn’t think about something funny when we had a conversation. Driving you is the best moment for me every day. You are always busy and have many friends, and I am usually not on your schedule. It is good for you to have many friends. I don’t complain about that even though sometimes I feel depressed about getting rejected by you. But you don’t need to know that because your happiness is the most important thing for me. I want you to have big smile every day. You asked me why I always study. Because I want to be better than everyone, so I feel I am able to protect you, can help you whenever you suffer, can be a real man who is willing to take responsibility to the girl he likes and burden all difficulties for her.

I am a boring person. I am emotionless. My life is not fun at all. I am not tall, not handsome, not rich. But I really like you. You are not just my princess. I want to hug you…want to kiss you. Do you know how painful and jealous I was when I heard you going out with someone? Do you know how hard for me to suggest you to date someone and have fun. I always had to clench my fists to keep my smile on my face so you wouldn’t know my heart was bleeding. Do you know how many nights I drank because I missed you and I wanted to hear your voice? I always stopped calling after I dialed your number because I didn’t want to disrupt your sleeping. Do you know I set your coming call with “All my Life by K-C and JoJo” because you are the angel that I pray for all my life to meet? Do you know I was never drunk when I texted you “I love you” or “I want you to become my gf”? Do you know I didn’t care to drink Starbucks, or coke ice, or whatever? I just wanted to see you.

I always said I just wanted to see your smile, but I actually not just want your smile… I am happy when you have good mood. I am worried when you have headache or when you are sick. I am heart broken when I see you crying. You are the only person I care here. I don’t care what people see me or talk about me, but I care what I am for you. I told you that you are cuter when you get drunk, but you probably don’t remember I kissed you when you got drunk after the 2nd-year social. Maybe it’s better you never find out this because a bad man like me doesn’t deserve a wonderful girl like you.

But sometimes I just want to know whether you ever like me for a little bit. Will you be sad if I disappear in your life? Will you hate me if I break my promise that I said I will be with you whenever you need me? I lie many things in my life, but I can’t lie my feeling about you. I don’t know whether you will have a chance to see this. I hope you don’t because that means I may be brave enough to tell you all these face to face. But if unfortunately I failed, and you do have a chance to see this letter, then everything I wrote above was bull shit. The only thing I want to let you know is, I Love You.  
文筆不好 請大家多多包涵 :)


我始終記得第一次遇見妳的時候. 老實說我很訝異妳會主動來跟我說話,因為在我的人生中從來沒有像妳這麼美麗的女孩出現過. 我並沒有任何知心的女性朋友,我也並不知道如何跟女生打交道. 認真來說,我寧願上台演講30分鐘也不願意跟女生哈拉三分鐘. 但是妳的笑容實在太耀眼,我無法控制自己遠離妳. 記得我叫妳”Facebook”而妳叫我”Heels”嗎? 其實那是我第一次用這種招數. 我不是個善於社交的人,而且我以前一直覺得取綽號這種招數很愚蠢. 但是我想我只是努力嘗試把握所有可能的機會更靠近妳. 每次跟妳說話,我都很緊張. 英文都變得很爛,甚麼單字,文法,時態都忘的一乾二盡. 事後常常很沮喪為何自己沒辦法更幽默風趣. 載妳上下課是我每天最快樂的時候. 妳總是很忙碌,朋友很多. 而我通常都不在妳的時間表上. 雖然有時候被妳拒絕會失落,但是還是很開心妳能有很多朋友,畢竟妳每天大大的笑容是我最在意的事情. 妳問我為何總是手上有書. 我笑著說因為我是書呆子. 但事實上我是想變得比誰都強! 因為現在這個世界,知識就是力量. 只有比誰都優秀,我才有自信能保護妳,在妳需要我的時候都能幫上忙,成為一個能幫妳分擔憂愁,認真負責的男人.

也許我是個無聊又沒情緒的人,也許我的生活很無趣,也許我不高,不帥,也不有錢. 但我真的很喜歡妳. 我很貪心,我不只希望妳是我的公主,摸摸妳的頭. 我也想擁抱妳,親吻妳… 妳知道其實每次聽到妳跟其他男生出去,我都會忌妒嗎? 妳知道我需要握緊雙拳才能笑著建議妳去跟別人約會嗎? 妳知道其實很多個晚上我都一個人喝著酒,思念著妳和妳的聲音? 號碼已經撥好,卻永遠打不出去,只因為我不想吵醒正在熟睡的妳. 妳知道我把妳的來電鈴聲設成"K-C & JoJo 的All My Life”嗎? 因為妳是我祈禱一輩子才遇見的天使. 妳知道其實每次我傳簡訊說”我愛妳”或”我希望妳做我女朋友”時都沒醉嗎? 妳知道其實我根本不在乎晚上跟妳出去是喝星巴克,還是思樂冰,還是隨便甚麼都好. 我只是想見妳.

我總是說我只是想看到妳的笑容,但其實我並不是只想要妳的笑容. 當你高興的時候我開心. 當妳頭痛生病的時候我擔心. 當妳哭泣的時候我心痛. 妳是在這個異鄉我唯一在意的人. 我不在乎別人怎麼說我或議論我. 但我在乎我對妳來說是什麼. 我說妳喝醉後比較可愛,但妳並不記得上次狂歡後我吻了妳. 也許妳永遠都不要記得比較好,因為像我這樣的男人並不值得擁有像妳這樣美好的女孩.

有時候我想問你是否曾經有愛上我過. 如果我消失在妳的人生中妳會難過嗎? 如果我違背了陪伴你一輩子的承諾妳會恨我嗎? 我一生中說過無數的謊,但我無法欺騙自己對妳的感情. 我不知道妳會不會有機會看到這封信. 我希望妳永遠不會,因為那表示我有勇氣親口對你說出這一切. 但如果很不幸的我失敗了,而妳又剛好有機會看到這封信,那其實我上述所說的都是Bull Shit. 我唯一想讓妳知道的是---我愛妳

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總評分: 威望 + 2   查看全部評分


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10


狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-8-27 14:38:18 |只看該作者




不知 你的前因後果,彼此相處情形.沒辦法太深入觀視.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-8-27 21:09:57 |只看該作者
pk1643 發表於 2012-8-27 14:38  


呵呵 其實只是壓抑了很久


pk1643  0.0虛懷若谷...和番去太可惜了...閣下仁者也.不再言語相戲,容鄙人告罪.稽首.  發表於 2012-8-28 15:23:46
terrylin  也是 畢竟英文還不夠好  發表於 2012-8-28 07:13:26
pk1643  你寫的是口語.而且是中翻英的口語.離書信還很遠,遑論文章.  發表於 2012-8-28 05:57:56
terrylin  其實我也很驚訝自己會喜歡上外國人,但我覺得既然愛上了,就不需要去否認自己的感情. 畢竟只有勇敢面對自己的本心,才能在人生的路上繼續昂首前進 :)  發表於 2012-8-28 05:08:12
pk1643  懂的避重就輕,還能不卑不亢.分明是個大好青年.何以癡迷蠻族女子.  發表於 2012-8-27 22:00:37

Rank: 4

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-8-28 01:41:34 |只看該作者




terrylin  謝謝 :)  發表於 2012-8-28 07:56:13

Rank: 3Rank: 3

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-8-28 06:24:22 |只看該作者

外國的生活 好玩嗎?


terrylin  還不錯  發表於 2012-8-28 07:12:23

Rank: 1

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-8-28 18:28:02 |只看該作者


Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-8-29 10:03:58 |只看該作者
說真的   我看不懂英文  不過大大還是加油
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