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[通訊] [Android] Notification Bubbles Free用桌面上的"飄浮泡泡"提醒訊息 [複製連結]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2013-8-9 21:39:21 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

一般 Android 手機若有未接來電或是 FB 訊息、Gmail 未讀信…等,都是在手機上方通知欄顯示小圖示來提醒,而這個「Notification Bubbles Free」則是將這些通知訊息放在桌布中,用各種大小的飄浮泡泡來通知你唷!

通知的內容包含未接來電、未讀簡訊,若有登入 Facebook、Twitter 以及 Gmail 帳號,當收到 FB 或是 Twitter 訊息、Gmail 信件就會直接在桌布裡的泡泡中顯示,點選飄浮的氣泡還會有可愛的小爆破音效。

除了以上的通知訊息外,還可以簡單的輸入待辦事項,直接在桌布泡泡中做提醒,不過免費版本只能加入一個待辦事項。另外還可以選擇一位 Darling 聯絡人,會用心型泡泡代表,點選這個心型泡泡就能快速撥電話給他或發送簡訊唷!

* Easy access to text messages and missed calls
* Get Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail notifications as bubbles on the screen
* Simply pop the bubble to read and reply
* Choose between different bubble styles
* Customize bubble colors
* Select one contact to show up as a heart, with super quick calling and texting
* Add one todo bubble to get reminded of an important task
ONLY in Full version:
* More color options for the bubbles
* See how many times you've popped bubbles and compete with your friends
* Beautiful winter theme, with bubbles and amazing snow flakes
* Select up to three contacts that show up as hearts for quick access
* Add unlimited number of todo bubbles for easy reminders
What others are saying:
* "The app is a blast" --Android Apps Review
* "Sweet freaking app!" --User comment
* "Love it! Super cute!" --User comment
* "Wow, It's mindblowing...!!" --User comment
Additional notes:
* To install this live wallpaper select Menu -> Wallpaper -> Live wallpaper
* For best experience use the official Gmail, Twitter, and Facebook apps.
* If you have imported your contact pictures from Facebook, they might not show in the bubbles. This depends on how your phone vendor store the pictures.


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