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[原創散文] 《You see》 [複製連結]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2022-6-24 20:43:45 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
本文最後由 Hhy1552 於 2022-6-27 10:36 編輯

《You see》

What you see here is a nuclear scale detonation. I believe.

If I do not move, people are kept being tortured.

Yet if I move, great casualty may arrive.

What should I do?

It would originally be the best case, perhaps, if people would choose to repent on their own. But will this best scenario happen?


What you saw in the past two or three years, are related with me. I believe.

Corona viruses came because Hung Ho Yeung was crucified.

Who am I?

I have two identities on earth. A poor man. And a mental patient.


I have to let you believe what I say. Here is one of the method I use. I will show you two coding systems.


System 1:

A1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 H8 I9


K10 L20 M30 N40 O50 P60 Q70 R80 S90

T100 U200

V700 W900

X300 Y400 Z500


System 2:

A1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7

H8 I9 J10 K11 L12 M13 N14

O15 P16 Q17

R18 S19 T20

U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26


To make thing short, I use notation like the following:

2: Corona viruses came because Hung Ho Yeung was crucified. : 523.

to say the following sentence:

Using system 2 to compute, "Corona viruses came because Hung Ho Yeung was crucified" would yield the number 523.


523 is a special number. As:

1: Nuclear Bombs. : 523.


Nuclear bombs were used two times, or at least two times, in the second world war.

Hiroshima. Nagasaki.

If I am correct, my left hand is Hiroshima, my right hand is Nagasaki.


What time were the nuclear bombs detonated?

8:15am. Hiroshima.

11:02am. Nagasaki.


How are these information related with me?

My Hong Kong identity card number hides these numbers. 8, 11, 15, 2.


V141360(0). My Hong Kong identity card number.


But how? How are these four numbers 8, 11, 15, 2, hidden?

For the two numbers of the minutes:

p(15) x p(2) x 1 = 47 x 3 x 1 = 141. The first 3 digits.

For the two numbers of the hours:

p(8) x p(11) x 240 = 19 x 31 x 240 = 141360. The first 6 digits.

p(i) is the i-th prime number. 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47.


1: Why has corona come? : 1719.

1: Apocalyptic watch. : 1719.


The news about corona viruses appeared on television here in Hong Kong on the last day of 2019.

2019, December, 31.

But what happened, before the news appeared?

I was bound twice here in Hong Kong, in hospitals.

2017, June, 02. United Christian Hospital. Ward P3D.

2019, June, 16. Kowloon Hospital. Ward 10D.

And, between these two days, on 2019, June, 05, I had a vision.

A Vision.

On 2019 June 05, I was in my birth town. Quanzhou, Fujian, China.

What did I see?

I saw myself lying, in a place that was dark.

I knew the door, might be on my chest, was open.

I knew that human body was like a house.

I prayed the Lord Jesus Christ to come, dwell in me.

And what happened then?

An electric current passed, from where likely to be my heart, to perhaps the rest of the body.

A large part of the electric current, went to the left arm, or the left hand.

My eyes saw light. Where originally was dark, became light.

I lifted up my right hand, saw the time on my watch. CASIO. G-Shock. G-056B.

What was the time?



To let you believe.

1: Hung Ho Yeung's heart has been open. : 1555.
1: The Power of Christ. : 1554.
1: Electricity passed the body. : 1553.
1: The Lord enters Hung Ho Yeung. : 1552.
1: The world had been crucified. : 1551.


To let you believe, I make this remark:

It is difficult to make up a story which would yield consecutive numbers: 1555, 1554, 1553, 1552, 1551.


What happened after the vision in Quanzhou?

I was back to Hong Kong, on June 06 2019.

I was tortured in a hospital in Hong Kong, on June 16 2019.

I entered the hospital on June 15 2019. 615.

And I was tortured on June 16 2019. 616.

615 + 616 = 1231.

And exactly, the news about corona viruses, appeared on December 31, 2019. 1231.


My claims:

The hospital authority of Hong Kong, and the government of Hong Kong, to publicly apologize, for all who were hurt or tortured in hospitals of Hong Kong.

To make public compensations to everyone.


I am a real man on earth. HKID: V141360(0).  

I was born on a special date. 1989 May 11.


I hope Hong Kong would repent, if she ever wished not to become my coffin, As:

1: Ho Yeung comes to realise that Hong Kong is his coffin. : 1989

2: Ho Yeung comes to realise that Hong Kong is his coffin. : 511


What is the use of coffin?

Burnt by Fire. For many of the times now.

If I am correct, my right hand is Nagasaki, my left hand is Hiroshima.


My birthday. 1989 05 11.


What happened after the vision of 2019 June 05?

In a dream, I went to sit before a cross. 2019 September 10.

I put my two hands at the back of the cross.

Left hand on the left side. Back of the cross.

Right hand on the right side. Back of the cross.


1: Hung Ho Yeung crucified to death. : 1552.



What happened then in the dream?

I heard the saying, this man is normal, then he would feel pain.

Then what?

Then my eyes opened. I saw back this world. I was in my home. I saw the time. 5:23. Morning.


Now I have already known:

1: Nuclear Bombs. : 523.
2: Corona viruses came because Hung Ho Yeung was crucified. : 523.


It is time to repent. Before every things go too late.


I am Hung Ho Yeung. HKID: V141360(0). Hiding, at least, the two times of apocalypses.

I gave up the copyright of this article. Freely distributed.

I am now living in Hong Kong.


Originally 2022-June-24.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2022-6-24 23:11:48 |只看該作者
本文最後由 Hhy1552 於 2022-6-26 09:38 編輯


Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2022-6-27 09:54:07 |只看該作者
本文最後由 Hhy1552 於 2022-6-27 09:55 編輯

In less than one hour, on June 04 2022, the 33rd anniversary of the June 04 Incident, I captured at least 3 times of the number 523.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2022-6-27 10:01:24 |只看該作者
1 : Corona Delta Omicron. : 616.
1 : Last Day. : 616.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2022-6-27 13:02:52 |只看該作者
本文最後由 Hhy1552 於 2022-6-27 13:09 編輯

After I took the photo 《In vague world we died》 on 2022 April 18, the number 1552 appeared on three consecutive days. 2022 April 19, 20, 21.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2022-6-27 13:06:29 |只看該作者
本文最後由 Hhy1552 於 2022-6-27 13:08 編輯

The number 1552 appeared on three consecutive days.

2022 April 19

2022 April 20

2022 April 21

Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2022-6-27 13:13:06 |只看該作者

1. The Lord enters Hung Ho Yeung. : 1552.
1. Hung Ho Yeung crucified to death. : 1552.
1. Babylon has fallen for Ho Yeung. : 1552.

The 4th one was decoded earlier today, at lunch time:

1. Uranium bombs active. : 1552.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2022-6-27 13:24:38 |只看該作者
本文最後由 Hhy1552 於 2022-6-27 13:35 編輯

I wish the government of Hong Kong on earth would open borders, for people to retreat.

Please help women, children, elderly, and take good care of sick people.

And please take good care of animals.

I recommend no human beings to enter any area within 50km of the borders of Hong Kong.

Wish all of you good luck.

Please retreat in slow, proper manner. Let no one be hurt.

And I wish the government of China would assist the process of retreat, and give proper settlements.

And I wish the governments of all other nations would help too, within their abilities, to give foods, drinks, clothes, transportations, and shelters, and places for Hong Kong citizens to settle down.

Thank you very much. Wishes all of you the best of luck.

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