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[國際] 回應二十大習近平發言 美國作戰司令稱中國大陸最快今年入侵台灣<<<咁係真也? [複製連結]

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狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2022-10-20 20:27:00 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1
本文最後由 taf_jsc 於 2022-10-20 21:18 編輯

回應二十大習近平發言 美國作戰司令稱中國大陸最快今年入侵台灣撰文:歐敬洛出版:2022-10-20 10:48更新:2022-10-20 16:23

美國海軍作戰部長吉爾迪(Michael Gilday)在大西洋理事會上,表示中國大陸最早可能在今年入侵台灣。



吉爾迪所說的「2027年」,是基於美國印太司令部前司令戴維森(Philips Davidson)2021年提出的一項評估。當時戴維森認為,中國大陸可能在6年內試圖統一台灣。

習近平16日在二十大會議演說時重申,將不會放棄武統台灣。他強調,「解決台灣問題是中國人自己的事,要由中國人來決定。我們堅持以最大誠意,盡最大努力爭取和平統一為前提,但絕不承諾放棄使用保留採取一切必要措施的選項。」 ... utm_medium=referral
China’s Accelerated Timeline to Take Taiwan Pushing Navy in the Pacific, Says CNO GildayBy: Mallory Shelbourne October 19, 2022 3:05 PM

Amid concerns that China could try to reunify the mainland with Taiwan faster than previously anticipated, the United States Navy is also eyeing a more immediate window for a potential conflict over the island, the service’s top officer said Wednesday.

The Navy is still assessing how China’s recent 20th Party Congress meeting affects its plans for the fleet, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday said at a virtual event hosted by the Atlantic Council.

“It’s not just what President Xi says, but it’s how the Chinese behave and what they do. And what we’ve seen over the past 20 years is that they have delivered on every promise they’ve made earlier than they said they were going to deliver on it,” Gilday said when asked about the so-called “Davidson window,” referring to former U.S. Indo-Pacific Command chief Adm. Phil Davidson testifying to Congress in 2021 that China wanted the capability to seize Taiwan within the next six years.

When we talk about the 2027 window, in my mind that has to be a 2022 window or a potentially a 2023 window. I can’t rule that out. I don’t mean at all to be alarmist by saying that, it’s just that we can’t wish that away,” the CNO added.

During the Chinese Communist Party meeting on Sunday, President Xi Jinping reaffirmed China’s ambitions to reunify Taiwan with mainland China. The next day, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the People’s Republic of China is moving on a faster timeline to take over the island.

U.S. Navy officials and members of Congress have invoked the 2027 timeline since Davidson’s March 2021 testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, when he said the threat of China taking Taiwan was more imminent.

During the conversation at the Atlantic Council, Gilday also made the case for why readiness is his top priority as CNO.

“We are still recovering with our carrier force as an example for back-to-back deployments that we did 10 years ago. And so we’re still catching up on deferred maintenance so that we can get 50 years out of those platforms. So I’m not going to come off of the maintenance piece in terms of an area where we can save money because we just can’t,” he said. “And I would say the same thing about supply parts – about missiles and magazines, about training and readiness for the force. I just don’t think we can skimp on that. There are lessons of the past as recent as 2017 with the collisions that have caused me to rethink anybody’s challenging the money we’re putting into readiness and training.”

Gilday also discussed the Navy’s Project Overmatch initiative – meant to connect platforms and systems to a network that can share and transmit targeting data.

“Some of our allies and partners – I’m not going to mention which ones – but those that we see a higher likelihood of interoperability in the near term, we are sharing our Project Overmatch work with them. They’re highly interested. Some of our heads of navy have been to San Diego to visit Adm. Small and his team at [Naval Information Warfare Systems Command],” the CNO said, referring to Rear Adm. Doug Small, who Gilday put in charge of leading the Project Overmatch effort.

“And so it’s not lost on me the power of including them. We have to be inclusive, or we’re not going to be able to fight together. So we’re moving forward I think at a good pace with our allies and partners in that effort. We’re not holding back.”

While Gilday would not say which countries the U.S. is sharing the Project Overmatch information with, Navy officials have repeatedly made the case for interoperability and operating interchangeably with nations like France and the United Kingdom.

Another avenue for the U.S. Navy’s work with allies and partners has been the Task Force 59 effort in the Middle East, where U.S. 5th Fleet commander Vice Adm. Brad Cooper is leading the charge on using unmanned systems to collect data for situational awareness in the region.

Gilday said that this work with allies and partners is helping the U.S. field unmanned capabilities within the next five years.

“I definitely see value in the key operational problem that Adm. Cooper’s getting after. We’re not just experimenting for experimentation’s sake. We are learning from what we’re doing. But the key operational problem we’re solving is increasing maritime domain awareness in an area of responsibility where we have fewer ships than we’d like to have,” the CNO said.

“And so we’re closing that gap with unmanned and we’re learning from it. And as a result of that, working closely with allies and partners, we’ll be able to field capability in this FYDP,” he added, referring to the Pentagon’s five-year budget outlook known as the Future Years Defense Program. ... fic-says-cno-gilday
共軍4艦擾台成常態 我擬修對策記者洪哲政/台北報導 2022年10月17日 週一 上午6:17


經國防部統計,以本月為例,除十四日台海周邊出現五艘共艦外,其餘每日都固定為四艘,海軍日前在立法院披露中共海軍由不定期派遣軍艦於台灣海峽執行海峽巡弋,逐漸轉變為固定派遣艦艇,以兩千噸上下的「056A 江島級」與「053H3 江衛二型」為主,並擴大巡弋區域,延伸至我西南及彭佳嶼以北海域。但海軍未透露這四至五艘共艦的動向。










Rank: 4

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2022-10-20 20:48:55 |只看該作者
真正的意思是 美國缺錢了 還不快點交保護費買美國的除役軍備

Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13


狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2022-10-20 21:33:28 |只看該作者
本文最後由 e4q4mi 於 2022-10-20 22:47 編輯

中共  它必須要 ... 打樓  打房  打貪  打藝人
原因是因為  它如果  不這麼做  把實現夢想的人  降到 < 0.0001 % 以下
同一年裡  讓一批小白老鼠中  太多%的數量  太快速度富裕
它就沒辦法  持續  繼續做下去了你知道嗎
因為那少數 0.1 % 的人  必定會上  社群平台  或出書  主動  跳出來說
: [  嘿嘿嘿 !  你看  我都富裕了  阿你你你 ... 你怎還沒富裕呀 ?  ]
這樣一來  大家反而  更容易揭穿  蜂蜜熊的  " 共同富裕計劃 "

(  除 非 喇 !  除非它把  各大社群交流平台  全部  都給關了  它一直以來  都很想做  可惜  做不到  )

打房  打貪  爛尾樓的真正原因 :

(  我記得  這種玩具  小時候  大家都有買過  )

這個  正在爬樓梯的人  
不可能會  主動跳下來  冒險摔死  揭穿它們的謊言
因為  它有爬不完的樓梯  只要控制在  一定數量之下
這個謊言  就永遠  不會戳破

我記得  這套理論  該死的  企業管理  裡面也有講
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