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[美術繪畫] [轉貼]傑勒德大衛(約 1455年出生,死亡1523)[14p] [複製連結]


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發表於 2010-1-14 10:44:50 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

The details of David's life, like those of his contemporaries, were lost over time and rediscovered only in the nineteenth century, largely due to research carried out by the Englishman James Weale in the Bruges archive. Fortunately, some of the paintings mentioned in archival documents as the work of Gerard David survived. In the absence of a single signed painting, these works—such as the Justice of Cambyses of 1498 (Groeningemuseum, Bruges) and the Virgin Among Virgins of 1509 (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen)—serve as the starting point for the reconstruction of David's oeuvre. This is an ongoing process, aided by technical analysis and by the close connection between paintings and nine or ten known drawings by the artist. The liveliness of David's drawings, many of which depict heads shown in different views and with a variety of expressions, suggest that they were made from life. These provided David with a stock of material for his paintings (2008.368a,b).

















《 本帖最後由 草薰風 於 2010-1-16 17:21 編輯 》

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