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228中國國 民黨怎麼屠殺台灣人的---
美國國務院所刊行的《對華白皮書》中,曾提到軍隊濫殺的情形:「3月9日起,發生廣泛而無差別的殺戮行為。在美國領事館員的宿捨前面,工人並未有任何挑釁行為,就被刺刀刺死。也看到軍人搶奪行路人的錢財。婦女從家中被拉走,老人跑出去抗議,即被兩個軍人砍倒。服務於教會醫院的一位加拿大籍護士,勇敢地奔梭於槍彈中,搶救受傷的人們。當她帶領負傷者往醫院的途中,軍人從後面開槍把負傷者射死。年輕的台灣青年被綑縛起來,用鐵線貫穿手掌,拉過街道盡端。教會附近,一個小學女教師從後面被擊,被掠奪。有一美國婦人的家,受到附近陣地的機槍射擊,一個英國企業家要去救她,子彈貫穿了他的衣服,幸未打中身體。另一個外國人看到一個騎自行車的青年,被憲兵叫下來,用刺刀刺穿了手掌。有人要躲,有人要逃,可是人們被射擊。軍人看到任何喜愛的東西,即掠奪過來。3月10 日,領事館附近萬華一帶,許多商店主人被射擊。」
March 29, 1947 - New York Times
by Tillman Durdin
Formosa killings are put at 10,000
福爾摩沙共有一萬人被殺原文連結http://select.nytimes.com/gst/ab ... BAB1788D85F438485F9 (要付費)
Foreigners say the Chinese slaughtered demonstrators without provocation Nanking, March 28, Foreigners who have just returned to China from Formosa corroborate reports of wholesale slaughter by Chinese troops and police during anti-Government demonstrations a month ago.
These witnesses estimate that 10,000 Formosans were killed by the Chinese armed forces. The killings were described as "completely unjustified" in view of the nature of the demonstrations.
The anti-Government demonstrations were said to have been by unarmed persons whose intentions were peaceful. Every foreign report to Nanking denies charges that Communists or Japanese inspired or organized the parades.
Foreigners who left Formosa a few days ago say that an uneasy peace had been established almost everywhere, but executions and arrests continued. Many Formosans were said to have fled to the hills fearing they would be killed if they returned to their homes.
Three Days of Slaughter:
An American who had just arrived in China from Taihoku said that troops from the mainland arrived there March 7 and indulged in three days of indiscriminate killing and looting. For a time everyone seen on the streets was shot at, homes were broken into and occupants killed. In the poorer sections the streets were said to have been littered with dead. There were instances of beheadings and mutilation of bodies, and women were raped, the American said.
Two foreign women, who were near at Pingtung near Takao, called the actions of the Chinese soldiers there a "massacre." They said unarmed Formosans took over the administration of the town peacefully on March 4 and used the local radio station to caution against violence.
Chinese were well received and invited to lunch with the Formosan leaders. Later a bigger group of soldiers came and launched a sweep through the streets. The people were machine gunned. Groups were rounded up and executed. The man who had served as the town's spokesman was killed. His body was left for a day in a park and no one was permitted to remove it.
A Briton described similar events at Takao, where unarmed Formosans had taken over the running of the city. He said that after several days Chinese soldiers from an outlying fort deployed through the streets killing hundreds with machine-guns and rifles and raping and looting. Formosan leaders were thrown into prison, many bound with thin wire that cut deep into the flesh.
Leaflets Trapped Many
The foreign witnesses reported that leaflets signed with the name of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek promising leniency, and urging all who had fled to return, were dropped from airplanes. As a result many came back to be imprisoned or executed. "There seemed to be a policy of killing off all the best people," one foreigner asserted. The foreigners' stories are fully supported by reports of every important foreign embassy or legation in Nanking.
Formosans are reported to be seeking United Nations' action on their case. Some have approached foreign consuls to ask that Formosa be put under the jurisdiction of Allied Supreme Command or be made an American protectorate. Formosan hostility to the mainland Chinese has deepened. Two women who described events at Pingtung said that when Formosans assembled to take over the administration of the town they sang "The Star Spangled Banner."
《 本帖最後由 黑色爵士 於 2009-5-26 22:57 編輯 》 |