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[心情物語] I'd catch a grenade for ya ... but you won't do the same ... 女人啊 [複製連結]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2011-12-15 04:21:48 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 | x 1
本帖最後由 watstery 於 2011-12-14 15:47 編輯

對我,今年2011 真是悲慘的一年


Bruno Mars - Grenade 不管用在工作或愛情上都很貼切

Mad woman, bad woman, that's just what you are, yeah     瘋女人,壞女人,這就是妳啊
You'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car     會在我面前笑臉迎人,卻在我背後捅我一刀...
Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash     為妳推心推肺,妳卻不當一回事
You tossed it in the trash, yes, you did     直接當垃圾扔掉,真的,妳不當一回事

心情低落之時,我開始懷疑這些女人的EQ ... 呵呵...sxxt, 也許今年犯女人
道德操守能當飯吃? 我想都敵不過美貌香水 ... fxxk it

年終將近,也只好苦中作樂,想到了怪才 Weird Al Yankovic 的 One More Minute

這"笑"仿 50s 年代 Doo-wop 方式採無哩頭式自嘲解娛,希望2011霉運全都走光 ... e-more-minute_music (完整MV,但好像無法在此直接貼出來)

(youtube 只剩聲音檔)

Aahh....     (啊 ...)

Well I heard that you're leavin' (leavin')     你說你想離我而去 (離我而去)
Gonna leave me far behind (so far behind)     要離的我遠遠的 (遠遠的)
'Cause you found a brand new lover     因為你已找到新的戀人
You decided that I'm not your kind (aahh..)     我不再是你要的了 (啊)

So I pulled (I pulled) your name out (name out) of my Rolodex     我於是把你的名字 (名字) 從我的名片夾中抽走 (抽走)
And I tore all your pictures in two     也把你所有的相片撕成兩半
And I burned down the malt shop where we used to go     也放火燒了那間以前我們常去的小吃店
Just because it reminds me of you     因為這些都讓我會觸景思情

That's right (that's right) you ain't gonna see me cryin'     沒錯 (沒錯),再也看不到我哭泣了
I'm glad (I'm glad) that you found somebody new     恭喜你 ( 恭喜) 找到新的戀人
'Cause I'd rather spend eternity eating shards of broken glass     因為我寧願吃上一輩的玻璃碎片   
Than spend one more minute with you     也不願意再花一分鐘在你身上

I guess I might seem kinda bitter     我看起來也許有點悲情
You got me feeling down in the dumps     你讓我看起來爛透了
'Cause I'm stranded all alone in the gas station of love     因為我在愛情加油站中迷失不知所措
And I have to use the self-service pumps     從此只能獨來獨往

Oh, so honey, let me help you with that suitcase     喔,心愛的,就讓我幫你打包吧
You ain't (you ain't) gonna break my heart in two     你再也不能 (再也不能) 傷我的心了
'Cause I'd rather get a hundred thousand paper cuts on my face     因為我寧願讓紙劃割的滿臉
Than spend one more minute with you     也不願意再花一分鐘在你身上

I'd rather rip out my intestines with a fork     我寧願用叉子挖出我的腸子
Than watch you going out with other men     也不願看著你跟別人走
I'd rather slam my fingers in a door (yah)     我寧願讓門夾到手 (痛啊)
Again and again and again and again and again     一而再,再而三的讓手去給門夾

Oh, can't you see what I'm tryin' to say, Darlin...     喔,你難道看不出我要說的嗎,親愛的

I'd rather have my blood sucked out by leeches (leeches)     我寧願讓水蛭 (水蛭) 吸乾我的血
Shove an icepick under a toenail or two     拿起冰錐朝腳指甲猛挫
I'd rather clean all the bathrooms in Grand Central Station with my tongue     我寧願用舌頭舔淨紐約中央車站內所有的廁所
Than spend one more minute with you     也不願意再花一分鐘在你身上

Yes, I'd rather jump naked on a huge pile of thumbtacks     沒錯,我寧願光著身子跳進一大堆圖釘中
Or stick my nostrils together with crazy glue     或用三秒膠把我的鼻孔黏在一起
I'd rather dive into a swimming pool filled with double-edged razor blades     我寧願跳進滿是雙面利刃刮鬍刀的游泳池
Than spend one more minute with you     也不願意再花一分鐘在你身上

I'd rather rip my heart out of my ribcage with my bare hands     我寧願赤手將我的心挖出來
and then throw it on the floor and stomp on it 'till I die     將它甩到地上踐踏直到我斷氣
Than spend one more minute with you     也不願意再花一分鐘在你身上


Rank: 2

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2011-12-15 05:57:13 |只看該作者
偶爾  找一個閒暇時間讓自己也可以擁有回到十七八歲的時光!!!


watstery  i see. rock-n-roll, live concert bring me alive  發表於 2011-12-24 13:15:45
chenpaul358  讓自己可以擁有無憂 無慮的時光  發表於 2011-12-22 01:05:00
watstery  "回到十七八歲的時光" !? 用意是 ?  發表於 2011-12-21 07:25:50

Rank: 5Rank: 5

狀態︰ 離線
發表於 2012-11-17 17:16:58 |只看該作者
歌很棒 不過看了歌詞令人感傷 感謝大大的分享


watstery  哈... 純惡搞博鈞一笑的歌囉 ... :)  發表於 2012-11-22 05:18:15
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