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[經驗分享] 全系列油完整呈現 [複製連結]

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美國石油協會(American petroleum institute, API)如SF、SG、
歐洲汽車製造商協會(Association des Constructeurs Europeens, ACEA)。
(International Lubricants Standardization and Approval Committee, ILSAC)
日本汽車標準組織(Japan Automobile Standards Organization, JASO)
VW 福斯
MB 賓士

(1) 美國石油協會API(American Petroleum Institude)所訂定
引擎油品等級稱為API Service Grade,主要銷售在北美地區的車用
柴油引擎用機油,如中大型貨車、 大巴士、工程重機等,這些
商用車輛大都以柴油做為燃料(Commerical Oil 商用車機油),
另外汽油引擎用機油(Service Station 加油站),以S開頭為代表,

(2) 歐洲汽車製造商協會ACEA(Association des Constructeurs Europeens)。


A/B : A汽油引擎機油及B輕型柴油引擎機油
A/B : gasoline and diesel engine oils

A1/B1 油品用於汽油引擎+輕型柴油引擎要求低摩擦,低粘度及高溫/高剪力粘度(HT/HS)2.6~3.5mpa.s。
A1/B1 Oil intended for use in gasoline and car + light van diesel engines specifically
      designed to be capable of using low friction low viscosity oils with a High temperature
      / High shear rate viscosity of 2.6 to 3.5 mPa.s. These oils may be unsuitable for use
      in some engines. Consult owner manual or handbook if in doubt.
A3/B3 穩定,長效油品,用於高效能汽油引擎+輕型柴油引擎,符合製造廠的認可延長換油里程,
A3/B3 Stable, stay-in-grade oil intended for use in high performance gasoline and car +
      light van diesel engines and/or for extended drain intervals where specified by the
      engine manufacturer, and/or for year-round use of low viscosity oils, and/or for
      severe operating conditions as defined by the engine manufacturer.
A3/B4 穩定,長效油品,用於高效能汽油引擎+直接噴油輕型柴油引擎,其規範應用與描述A3/B3相同。
A3/B4 Stable, stay-in-grade oil intended for use in high performance gasoline and direct
      injection diesel engines, but also suitable for applications described under A3/B3.
A5/B5 穩定,長效油品,用於高效能汽油引擎+輕型柴油引擎符合可延長換油里程,要求低摩擦,
A5/B5 Stable, stay-in-grade oil intended for use at extended drain intervals in high
      performance gasoline and car + light van diesel engines designed to be capable
      of using low friction low viscosity oils with a High temperature / High shear rate
      viscosity of 2.9 to 3.5 mPa.s. These oils may be unsuitable for use in some engines.
      Consult owner manual or handbook if in doubt.

C : 加裝觸媒轉化器相容之汽柴油引擎油品
C : Catalyst compatibility oils

C1 穩定,長效油品,設計裝有觸媒轉化器匹配之油品,也就是用於裝置DPF及TWC的高性能汽油及輕型柴油引擎,
   要求低摩擦、低黏度、低SAPS油品,其高溫高剪力(HTHS)黏度高於2.9 mPa.s.,這油品可延長DPF及TWC
C1 Stable, stay-in-grade oil intended for use as catalyst compatible oil in vehicles with DPF
   and TWC in high performance car and light van diesel and gasoline engines requiring low friction,
   low viscosity, low SAPS oils with a HTHS higher than 2.9 mPa.s. These oils will increase the DPF
   and TWC life and provide fuel economy benefit.
警告: 這些油具有較低的SAPS限制,也許不適合用於某些引擎。如有疑義請咨詢引擎製造商或參考使用手冊指南。
Warning: these oils have the lowest SAPS limits and may be unsuitable for use in some engines.
         Consult owner manual or handbook if in doubt.

C2 穩定,長效油品,設計裝有觸媒轉化器匹配之油品,也就是用於裝置DPF及TWC的高性能汽油及輕型柴油引擎,
   設計要求包括低摩擦、低黏度油品,其高溫高剪力(HTHS)黏度高於2.9 mPa.s.,這油品可延長DPF及TWC的
C2 Stable, stay-in-grade oil intended for use as catalyst compatible oil in vehicles with DPF and
   TWC in high performance car and light van diesel and gasoline engines designed to be capable of
   using low friction, low viscosity oils with a HTHS higher than 2.9 mPa.s. These oils will increase
   the DPF and TWC life and provide fuel economy benefit
警告: 這些油也許不適合用於某些引擎。如有疑義請咨詢引擎製造商或參考使用手冊指南。
Warning: these oils may be unsuitable for use in some engines. Consult owner manual or handbook if in doubt.

C1規範較低的SAPS限制 C2則無

C3 穩定,長效油品,設計裝有觸媒轉化器匹配之油品,也就是用於裝置DPF及TWC的高性能汽油及輕型柴油柴油引擎,
C3 Stable, stay-in-grade oil intended for use as catalyst compatible oil in vehicles with DPF and TWC in
   high performance car and light van diesel and gasoline engines. These oils will increase the DPF and TWC life.
警告: 這些油也許不適合用於某些引擎。如有疑義請咨詢引擎製造商或參考使用手冊指南。
Warning: these oils may be unsuitable for use in some engines. Consult owner manual or handbook if in doubt.

C4 穩定,長效油品,設計裝有觸媒轉化器匹配之油品,也就是用於裝置DPF及TWC的高性能汽油及輕型柴油引擎,
   要求低SAPS油品,其高溫高剪力(HTHS)黏度高於3.5 mPa.s.,這油品可延長DPF及TWC的壽命。
C4 Stable, stay-in-grade oil intended for use as catalyst compatible oil in vehicles with DPF and TWC in
   high performance car and light van diesel and gasoline engines requiring low SAPS oil with HTHS
   higher than 3.5mPa.s. These oils will increase the DPF and TWC life.
警告: 這些油也許不適合用於某些引擎。如有疑義請咨詢引擎製造商或參考使用手冊指南。
Warning: these oils may be unsuitable for use in some engines. Consult owner manual or handbook if in doubt.

SAPS: Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus, Sulphur

DPF: Diesel Particulate Filter

TWC: Three way catalyst

HTHS: High temperature / High shear rate viscosity

EGR: Exhaust Gas Recirculation

SCR(selective catalytic reduction )

E: 重型柴油引擎機油
E: Heavy Duty Diesel engine oils

E2 適用於自然進氣及渦輪增壓重型柴油引擎,中度至重度負荷行程及正常換油里程。
E2 General purpose oil for naturally aspirated and turbocharged heavy duty diesel engines,
   medium to heavy duty cycles and mostly normal oil drain intervals.
E4 穩定,長效油品,提供更進一步的活塞潔淨、抗磨損、油煙處理及油品穩定的控制,推薦用於高效能柴油引擎
E4 Stable, stay-in-grade oil providing excellent control of piston cleanliness, wear, soot handling
   and lubricant stability. It is recommended for highly rated diesel engines meeting Euro 1, Euro 2,
   Euro 3 and Euro 4 emission requirements and running under very severe conditions, e.g. significantly
   extended oil drain intervals according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is suitable for
   engines without particulate filters, and for some EGR engines and some engines fitted with SCR NOx
   reduction systems. However, recommendations may differ between engine manufacturers so Driver
   Manuals and/or Dealers shall be consulted if in doubt.
E6 穩定,長效油品,提供更進一步的活塞潔淨、抗磨損、油煙處理及油品穩定的控制,推薦用於高效能柴油引擎
   被強烈推薦於有裝粒子過濾器的引擎及使用低硫柴油燃料(硫最高50 ppm)使用E6規範油品。但是,引擎製造商之間
E6 Stable, stay-in-grade oil providing excellent control of piston cleanliness, wear, soot handling and
   lubricant stability. It is recommended for highly rated diesel engines meeting Euro 1, Euro 2, Euro 3
   and Euro 4 emission requirements and running under very severe conditions, e.g. significantly extended
   oil drain intervals according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is suitable for EGR engines,
   with or without particulate filters, and for engines fitted with SCR NOx reduction systems. E6 quality
   is strongly recommended for engines fitted with particulate filters and is designed for use in
   combination with low sulphur diesel fuel (max 50 ppm). However, recommendations may differ between
   engine manufacturers so Driver Manuals and/or Dealers shall be consulted if in doubt.
E7 穩定,長效油品,提供注重活塞潔淨及缸壁拋光的有效控制,更提供進一步磨損及渦輪增壓積垢控制、油煙處理
E7 Stable, stay-in-grade oil providing effective control with respect to piston cleanliness and bore
   polishing. It further provides excellent wear and turbocharger deposit control, soot handling and
   lubricant stability. It is recommended for highly rated diesel engines meeting Euro 1, Euro 2, Euro 3
   and Euro 4 emission requirements and running under severe conditions, e.g. extended oil drain intervals
   according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is suitable for engines without particulate filters,
   and for most EGR engines and most engines fitted with SCR NOx reduction systems. However, recommendations
   may differ between engine manufacturers so Driver Manuals and/or Dealers shall be consulted if in doubt.

   不同於E6, E7它沒有磷及硫含量的最低限制而且允許硫灰份2.0%的最大值。
   E7有包含因煤灰積垢而導致引擎磨損的測試規範(Cummins M11)而E6則無。
   Unlike E6 it has no phosphorus or sulfur limits for the oil and allows a maximum of 2.0% sulfated ash.
   E7 has a soot induced wear test (Cummins M11) that is not run for E6.
   Also E7 has a new oxidation and lead corrosion test that is not in E6.

以上資料原文來自ACEA, 轉譯或有不正確請指教,或請直接點選查詢

(3) 國際潤滑油標準暨認證委員會ILSAC(International Lubricants
Standardization and Approval Committee),由美國發動機製造協會
(Motor Vehicle Manufacture Association)及全日本汽車製造協會
﹙The Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association﹚組成,

(4) VW 福斯車廠規格

VW 500.00
VW 501.01
VW 502.00
VW 505.00

(5) MB 賓士車廠規格

MB 227.0
MB 227.1
MB 228.0
MB 228.1
MB 228.3  
MB 228.5
MB 229.1

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