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本帖最後由 sogo748 於 2012-5-17 19:03 編輯
Blizzard 在暗黑破壞神2 (DIABLO II) 隱藏了一個 乳牛關
Diablo 3 Cow Level HOW TO GET THERE:
First craft the Staff of Herding
The items you need are:
--Black Mushroom - located in a patch of mushrooms in level 1 of the Cathedral (Act 1)
--Shinbone - found occasionally in the fireplace (walk right when you enter) of Leoric's Manor (Act 1)
--Wirt's Bell - can be purchased from a vendor in Act 2 for 100,000 gold
--Liquid Rainbow - can be found in a Mysterious Cave (random dungeon) in Dahlgur Oasis during Act 2 after you saved an NPC
--Gibbering Gemstone - random drop from Chiltara in the Caverns of Frost (NOT ice caverns) on the quest where you destroy the ballistae (Act 3)
--Plans for the Staff of Herding - random drop from Izual (Act 4)
Then you just need to get the recipe drop, pay your blacksmith 60k gold and craft it! (Normal mode)
To enable it on higher difficulties you need to find the recepie on that level and pay the blacksmith again
(200k for nightmare, 500k for hell, 1 million for INFERNO)
Then find a dead cow in the western parts of old tristram road and you get magical pink rainbow farting unicorns and teddybears,
Btw that cow cracks me up. ENJOY! (and remember, there is no cow level..)
MunchiZe @ Battle.net Europe